Lychgate in full view (front aspect) - Taken by John Hale 03 Nov 2008
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH LYCH GATES - Taken by Claire Darke 02 Dec 2016
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH & LYCH GATES - Taken by Claire Darke 02 Dec 2016
top of lych gates - Taken by Patricia Hughes 31 Jul 2017
side view showing panel locations - Taken by Patricia Hughes 31 Jul 2017
View from the road - Taken by S. BRACKETT 27 Nov 2017
Missing lead and slipped tiles - Taken by S. BRACKETT 27 Nov 2017
North facing stonework with deteriorating mortar. - Taken by S. BRACKETT 27 Nov 2017
West facing plaque becoming illegible - Taken by S. BRACKETT 27 Nov 2017
Stolen flashing - Taken by Steve Brackett 13 Dec 2017
Stolen flashing - Taken by Steve Brackett 13 Dec 2017
Perished mortar - stone coming loose - Taken by Steve Brackett 13 Dec 2017
Broken cast iron downpipe - Taken by Steve Brackett 13 Dec 2017
Heath Town lichgate fallen cap stone - Taken by Steve Brackett 23 Feb 2019
Water ingress damage to stonework - Taken by Steve Brackett 04 Apr 2020
Water damage left hand side and inside arch - Taken by Steve Brackett 04 Apr 2020
Water ingress damage worsening - Taken by Steve Brackett 16 Apr 2020
Reference WMO/106262
War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.
- Stone Sandstone
- Stone Slate
- Second World War (1939-1945)
Grants to support the repair and conservation of war memorials are available from the charity War Memorials Trust if it has raised funds. Support is focused on war memorials in Very bad or Poor condition or where there is a serious Concern.
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on front is a Star of David and underneath 1914-1919 and "their name liveth for evermore" on the back two WW11 lists are 1939 - 1945 on top of each.
WW1 - Armitage F C (DSO) /Adams E/ Addison G M/ Andrews H H/ Anslow H/ Arnold T/ Ash F G/ Ash J/ Astbury S/ Bagnall J E/ Bailey J W/ Baker L R/ Banks T/Banks W/ Beddow M/ Bell E J/ Bennett C W/ Bestwick T/ Betts A/ Bills W/ Bird R J/ Blakemore J/ Blakeway R E/ Blunt R/ Booth J E/ Bowen B/ Bowdler D/ Bowen G W/ Bradburn C T/ Bridson H/ Bromley B/ Brown J/ Butler G F/ Carter J/ Cash A/ Castle S/ Cheesman A/ Chidlow W/ Churm J H/ Churm W/ Clift G/ Colley J/ Collins TA/ Cooke H E/ Cooper A/ Cooper H D/ Cooper W/ Cope A/ Cornall W/ Cox B J/ Cox F/ Cox W H/ Cresswell J/ Davenport W/ Davis A/ Deakin T/ Dickens A/Dodd W/Eden B/ Edge H/ Edwards C P/ Edwards T/ Ellam W/ Enderby C/ Emery J/ Esterlow J/ Evans A J/ Evans B/ Evans F/ Evans F G/Evans J/Evans L/ Evans L A/ Evans M/ Evans S/ Evers J/ Faulkner H/ Fletcher A J/ Fletcher J/ Francis A/ Freeman B/ Frost P R/ / Genner C/ Gobison G/ Gobourn G A/ Godson H/ Gough J/ Gough T H C/ Green J T (MM) / Griffiths J G/ Griffiths J S/Griffiths W/ Hand K P H/ Harman B/ Harper N/ Harriman F/ Harriman W/Harrison G L/ Harrison R/ Hayes J/ Hayward G F/ Hayward W G/ Hedgecox H (MM) / Hickman F N/ Higgins E/ Hilditch J W/ Hill J H/ Hinks L/ Hinson F V/Hinton T/ Hodgkiss E/ Hodgson H/Hodson T/ Hopwood E H/ Hopwood T/ Hopwood H/ Horne R/ Howell A/ Hudson H E/ Hughes T/ Hurlston J/ Jenkins W/ Johnson D G/ Johnson J/ Jones D/ Jones H/ Jones J/ Jones J H/ Jones M H/Jordan C/ Keeling B C/ Kidson W T/ Knowles W I/ Lane P/ Latham E/ Law J/ Lawrence A/ Lawrence A J/ Lee G F/ Lech J/ Lewis A/ Lewis J/ Lewis L/ Lewis R/Lineker F/ Lloyd J/ Lloyd W H/ Lone H/ Lovett J P/ Lucas W/ Luker R E/ Marsh T/ Marsland S/ Martin B/ Martin R E/Mason G/ Mattox B/Merriott F/ Midwinter T/ Miles A J / Minor V G/ Moore J/ Moore T/ Morgan A/Morrey A/ Mould E/ Nicklin J/ Noakes T/ Noon L/ Page A J/Palmer J/ Pardoe G T/ Payne W H/ Perkins J H/ Perks A/Perry C B/ Perry W/ Phillips G M/ Picknel L R/ Poole E/ Potter J/ Powell T/ Powell E T/ Price F C/ Price J/Price T (R0) / Purcell S/ Rabone T J/ Ralph M J/ Randle P E/ Randle T C/Reynolds W/ Reynolds W/ Ricketts G/ Roberts A/ Roberts E H/ Roberts I/ Robinson T/ Rooke L G H/ Rowley W T/ Russell A/ Ryder J/ Sadler C F/ Scott W H/ Simcox J W/Speed B/ Spencer A/ Smith A/ Smith J/ Smith W/ Southan P/ Stonier W/ Summerhill J J/ Tatton J M/ Taylor J/ Taylor T/Terry H/ Thompson J/ Tomlinson F / Tonks E/ Tonks R/ Tunley H G/ Tyler J/ Warrender H/ Watkins W/ Watts J/ Watts S/ Watts S/ Wenlock F/ Wenlock H R (DCM) / Wenlock W/ Westwood W/ Whitehouse H/ Wildig A J/ Wildig H R/ Wilkes J/Wilkes N B/ Willetts C/ Williams H/ Williams E/ Wilner J/ Winter H/ Wooldridge J/ Yarranton A/ Yates H V WW11 - Arnold S/ Beebee J H/ Broom A/ Busby C/Davies J C/Eastaugh F/ Fry L/ Holden A/ Martin A/ Poade K/ Poade W/ Simpson J W/ Smith C E/ Wildbore D M/ Whitehouse G W/ Wilde A G/ Williams S B/ Williams A M/ Woodward P N/Haynes C A/ Bradley H E/ Grafton S T/ Harris J H/ Jenkins W/ Lawley J W/Lerigo N/ Matthews V C/ Moore R/ Swann B/ Jones W
Grade II (England)
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