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Reference WMO/110287


Junction of Winghouse Lane and Stone Road



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Status: Unknown
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Roadside
Description: Cenotaph
  • Stone Stone (any)
Lettering: Incised
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
About the memorial: Tittensor war memorial obelisk stands on Winghouse Lane at the junction of the A34 and Monument Lane. The stone cenotaph stands on a two stepped base. A carved wreath is found on one face with inscriptions also carved into the memorial. The memorial is for the fallen of both World Wars.
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WW1 Lieut. Empson Alcock MC (Reg. no. 2748 - 2nd North Midland BDE Royal Field Artillery-CWG) Pte Arthur W Allport (Sn 3190 - 1st/ 5th Battalion, North Staffordshire Reg.- CWG) Lance Corporal William George Banks (Sn 12229 9th Bn. Devonshire Reg. CWG) Pte Joseph H Bassett (Sn 2172 Machine Gun Corps(Motors) - CWG) L Corpl Wilfred Findlay (Sn 10413 - 7th Bn. North Staffordshire Reg. - CWG) Corpl Norman Harvey (Sn 300412 - Staffordshire Yeomanry - CWG) Sapper John H Lovell ( 200099 - 422nd Field Coy. Royal Engineers - CWG and formerly Sn 5136 Royal Marines Div Engineers, Deal) L Corp Edgar Phillips ( 66406 - 1st/ 6th Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers - CWG) Sergt James Sargeant (Sn 203029 - 1st/ 6th North Staffordshire Reg. - CWG) WW2 Peter Hewitt (Sgt Pilot - Sn 1169514 - 77 Squadron Royal Air Force - CWG) Leonard H Jones (Lieutenant - Sn 276395 - 2nd Bn Princess Louise's Kensington Regt. Middlesex Reginent - CWG) Thomas Pass (Trooper - Sn 13021774- 2nd/6th Bn. The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) Reg Reconnaissance Corps, Royal Armoured Corp. Collin Francis Phillips (Sapper Sn 14262941 - Royal Engineers)

Grade II (England)


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