Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight - Taken by Colin McIntyre 01 Jan 1975
Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight - Taken by Colin McIntyre 01 Jan 1975
Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight - Taken by Colin McIntyre 01 Jan 1975
Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight - Taken by Colin McIntyre 01 Jan 1975
Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight - Taken by Colin McIntyre 01 Jan 1985
Port Sunlight front inscription - Taken by Leslie Scarborough 01 Jan 1990
Port Sunlight right perspective - Taken by Leslie Scarborough 01 Jan 1990
Port Sunlight rear view - Taken by Leslie Scarborough 01 Jan 1990
Port Sunlight left perspective - Taken by Leslie Scarborough 01 Jan 1990
Port Sunlight rfont right perspective - Taken by Leslie Scarborough 01 Jan 1990
Port Sunlight front view - Taken by Leslie Scarborough 01 Jan 1990
Memorial - Taken by War Memorials Trust 14 Jun 2010
Lever Memorial Port Sunlight - Taken by D R Crew 26 May 2014
Names Panel. (upper section - Great War Lower section 1939-45) - Taken by Mike McQuaid 09 Mar 2020
Names Panel. (upper section - Great War Lower section 1939-45) - Taken by Mike McQuaid 09 Mar 2020
Names Panel. (upper section - Great War Lower section 1939-45) - Taken by Mike McQuaid 09 Mar 2020
Names Panel. (upper section - Great War Lower section 1939-45) - Taken by Mike McQuaid 09 Mar 2020
Names Panel. (upper section - Great War Lower section 1939-45) - Taken by Mike McQuaid 09 Mar 2020
Names panel (Upper sectio - Great War Lower section 1939-45) - Taken by MIke McQuaid 09 Mar 2020
Port Sunlight War Memorial - Taken by Ffion Jones - WMT 07 Jan 2023
Port Sunlight War Memorial - Taken by Ffion Jones - WMT 07 Jan 2023
Port Sunlight War Memorial - Taken by Ffion Jones - WMT 07 Jan 2023
Reference WMO/121234
The Causeway
Queen Mary Drive and King George Drive Green
Port Sunlight
CH62 5DZ
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- Metal Bronze
- Stone Granite
- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
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See photographPanel 1 This memorial erected by Lever Brothers Limited and the company’s employees in all parts of the British Empire and in the allied countries was unveiled on December 3rd 1921 by Sergeant E.G. Eames of Port Sunlight who lost his sight at the First Battle of the Somme in France 1916 and by Private R. E. Cruickshank of the London branch office who was awarded the Victoria Cross in 1918 or conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in Palestine. Panel 2 These are not dead such spirits never die. On the adjoining panels are inscribed the names of those from offices and works of Lever Brothers limited and their associated companies overseas and also from Port Sunlight who laid down their lives in the great war 1914 1919 Panel 3 (base) The names of all who served numbering over four thousand are recorded in .a book deposited beneath this stone and also in similar books placed in Christ Church and The Lady Lever Art Gallery.
1914-1919 Acton A.C.; Adams A.M.”M.C.& Bar”; Alderwood A; Allman I; Allwork W.J.; Ansell C.E.; Ansell H; Anyon J; Aspinall G.; Atkinson F.J.; Atkinson W.B.; Bailey S.J.; Baker C.A.; Baker F.;Bannon D.; Bannon M “M.M.”; Barber W.; Barclay E.; Bartley J.; Bartley J.; Bartley M.; Bather J.R.; Baxter J,; Bennett J.B.; Bennett J.R.; Benson A.; Benson P.; Benyon J.; Bergot; Birch F.W.; Blacoe H.; Blakeway J.; Blakeway J.N.; Blundell W.; Bolton G.W.; Botham T.; Bottcher A.; Bowen W.; Boylan J.J.; Brady J.; Branch W.A.; Brayne W.; Breslin F.; Briggs E.W.; Brindley G.; Brockbank W.; Brooke F.J.; Broomsgrove A.J. Brophy N.; Brown F.; Brown W.; Brown W.A.; Browne H.J.; Brownell W.C.; Broxton P.; Broxton T.; Brunsden G.; Brunsden G.A.; Burkill P.; Burrow R.; Byrne J.; Callaghan P.; Callan J.; Cameron T.S.; Capper P.; Capper W.; Carline T.; Carlson S.; Carter E.A.; Chambers R.; Chetwood A.; Churchill J.H.; Clarke W.; Clarkson T.A.; Clynch J.E.; Coates J.; Coathup G.R.; Collier S.T.; Collis G.; Conlon J.; Connor H.; Connor M.; Cooper G.; Cooper W.E.; Cope H.; Cope W.; Corfield J.E.; Corlett W.R.; Corriss H.D.; Cowley A.E.; Cravino T.; Crewys A.; Crompton T.P.; Crosby J.; Davies D.; Davies H. “M.M.”; Dawber J.; Dawson P.H.; Dean L.; De Cole C.; Dellow F.; Deves E.; Ditchfield E.; Dodd A.; Dodd W.; Donnelly J.; Dooley E.; Downham H.; Duckers T.W.; Duckett W “M.C.”; Dudbridge S.M. “M.M.”; Dunbar P.; Duncalf A.; Dunn W.J.; Dutton G.H.; Dutton J.W.; Eagles G.; Easterbrook W.R. “M C”; Eaton A.; Eaton J.; Edge H.; Edwards E.; Edwards H.; Elliott R.J.; Ellis G. “M.M.”; Ellis W.; Emslie R.; Ennion R.; Fairclough T.A.; Farrell P.; Ferrington J.; Fitton W.M.; Fitzpatrick J.C.; Fletcher F.; Flett I.R.; Flynn W.; Ford W.E.; Forsey W.; Forster J.; Frampton R.W.; Francis A.; Fray M.; Gaff M.; Gebbie H.; Gee A.; Gee A.E.; Gee J. ; Gee J.; Gent T.W.; Gill H.; Gillian C.; Gillespie R.; Goodall A.M.; Goodall G.; Goodall R.; Goodger F.W.; Gordon R.; Graham J.; Gray A.F.; Green H.; Green W.; Griffiths E.; Griffiths J.; Grocott R.; Hall G.; Hamilton S.; Hancock F.; Hargreaves R.; Harrison D.R.; Hart C.; Harthern T.; Hartley J.; Harvey C.E.; Hatch E.V.; Hatton R.E.; Hawkins J.H.; Haycock W.; Heath A.; Hedgecock F.L.; Henderson J.T.; Henderson S.J.; Hendry R.A.; Hindley J.; Hird W.H.; Hodgson R.; Hodgson R.; Holden H.; Holland E.; Holmes R.G.; Hoos R.; Hoskins A.V.; Hubbert W.; Hughes H.; Hughes H.D.; Hughes T.R.; Hughes W.E.; Hughes W.G.; Humphreys M.; Humphreys R.W.; Hutchinson J.; Ingham A.G.; Inskip G.F.; Isaac J.; Iveson E.J.; Jackson G.; Jackson R.F.; Jackson W.; Jackson W.E.; Janssens P.; Jenkinson W.R.; Johnson C.; Jones D.; Jones E.L.; Jones F.; Jones G.E.; Jones H.; Jones J.H.; Jones J.H.; Jones M.; Jones O.R.; Jones R., Jones R.; Jones R.A.; Jones R.T.; Jones R.W.; Jones T.H.; Jones W.; Jones W.; Jones W.; Jones W.; Jones W.H.; Jones W.H.; Kavanagh G.; Kay R.; Kearns W.; Kearsley F.W.; Kelly C.; Kemp J.; Kent A.; Kent F.; Kerr H.; Kewley R.; King W.; Kirwan P.; Kitching E.V. “M.M.”; La Brum J.; Laid H.; Lally W.R.; Law G.F.; Law H.; Lawier W.; Lawless J.; Lawrence A.R.; Leather E.G.; Ledsom W.; Lee F.; Lee J.; Lee J.D.; Legall E.; Leigh G.B.; Leonard; Lewis A.J.; Lewis H.J. Lloyd E.; Lloyd L.; Lockhart I.B.; Loughran W.; Lovegrove H.T.; Macara J.; Maddocks E.; Maddocks J.E.; Maguire P.; Marchbank F.; Margerifson A.; Marquant G.; Martin J.J.; Mayes F.J.; McCabe A.; McCarry H.; McCarthy L.; McCave C.; McClellan G.”D.C.M.”; McCluskey J.; McConnan J.; McDonald H.; McDonald J.; McDonald R.; McGovern H.; McGrath W.H.; McKeown J.H.; McLean R.; McLoughlin A.; McLullich A.; McNally J.J.; Mee F.A.; Melhuish A.V.; Mercer H.; Meredith J.C.; Miller F.E.; Millington F.; Milner A.B.; Minnis T.; Mist H.; Mitchell B.; Mitchell E.G.; Moody H.; Moody W.J. Morcroft G.; Morris G.H.; Mullray J.; Munster T.; Murray C.; Murray P.E.; Mustoe F.J.; Nevitt A.; Newall F.Ce..; Nicholson L.; Noble K.; Noonan J.H.; Norris R.; Oakes S.; O’Driscoll E.; O’Driscoll L.; Ollepantlin renshaw G.W.; Ollerhead R.; O’Neill T.; Oultram W.R.; Owens J.; OwensP.; Oxton S.; Palmer J.A.S.; Pantlin E.G.; Parker H.; Parr G.H.; Parry H.P.; Parry J.E.; Parsons G.; Partridge B.; Pates W.; Patten J.O.; Payne G.A. Jackson.; Pearson J.S.; Pearson M.; Pearson S.; Peers A.; Pennington A.; Perkins T.; Peters R.; Phelan J.; Phillips C.; Phillips I.D.; Pickard L.; Pierce E.W.; Pillinger H.S.; Pitt J.R.; Pluck G.; Poole E.H.; Poole S.R.; Potts A.; Pratt H.; Pratt W.J.; Price W.; Priestley E.; Pugh H.J.; Puleston G.E.C.; Purcell J.; Qualtrough E.W.; Quinn T.J.; Radcliffe S.V.; Rand A.; Rankin W.; Rattle; Rawlinson W.; Redmond J.P.; Reynolds M.C.; Roberts E.; Roberts G.; Robertson J.; Robertson M.; Robinson A.S.; Robinson H.; Robinson T. “M.M.”.; Roe H.P.; Roscoe C.; Russell W.H.; Ryan R.; Sage A.P.; Saltmarsh J.T.; Sandbach F.W.; Sanderson G; Sandford E.; Scarff G.L.; Scarratt G.A.; Scheers G.; Schenkel F.J.; Scott E.A.; Sergeant C.J.H.; Sharp A.; Sharp H.; Shaw R.; Sheard O.; Shears H.; Sheehan J.; Sherratt A.B.W.; Sherrington H.S.; Shields J.; Shorrock H.; Siddorn A.G.; Sillitoe T.; Sills J.; Silver F.T.; Simmons E.W.; Simons E.; simpson A.N.; Simms J.; Smith A.F.; Smith E.; Smith E.W.; Smith F.J.; Smith G.E.; Smith T.; Smith T.; Sparrow H.; Spilletts W.; Stackhouse J.; Stalker G.; Stallard H.”M.M.”; Stanley E.G.; Statham J.; Stockbridge H.H.; Stoker C.J.; Strutt F.F.; Suckley D. J.; Suckley W.H.; Sullins W.P.; Swan A.; Sweeney C.M.; Sweeney C.W.; Taylor C.J.; Theakstone M.; Thomas L.F.; Thompson L.N.; Thompson R.; Thorburn R.; Tickle G.; Trueman E.B.; Turmeau H.; Ure I.; Venables J.; Wade H.S.; Walker C.f.; Walker H.P.W.; Ward J.N.; Waring L.; Waring W.; Waters C.D.; Watson G.H.; Waugh T.H.”M.C.”; Webber H.; Webber J.; Webster E.; Weir T.; Weston C.G.; Whitby H.; White A. “M.M.”; White S.; White T.; Whitehead G.; Whiteside C.A.; Whittaker W.R.; Wilcock C.R.; Wilkie H.; Wilkins C.; Wilkins P.; Wilks J.; Williams A.; Williams F.; Williams F.; Williams F.; Williams H.; Williams P.; Williams R.; Williams R.R.; Williams W.; Willia J.; Willis T.; Wilson A.; Wilson G.; Wilson G.; Wilson H.; Winstanley C.; Wood J.A.; Wood T.; Wood T.M.; Woodley C.B.; Woods B.R.; Woods G.; Woolhouse V.; Wray A.E.; Wright T.; Wright T.; Wright T.A.; Wright V.; Woods H. 1939-1945 Ansell G.; Aspinall A.; Bartley J.O.; Beard O.; Biggs W. “D.F.M.”; Birch R.R.; Anderson R.A.; Bloomfield L.S.; Briggs S.; Brown J.A.; Bryant R.G.; Casson R.E.; Chalton H.; Clegg D.W.; Clough F.; Cooke A.; Cooper J.S. Corfe J.; Cowan E.R. D.F.C.A.M.(U.S.A.); Cregeen W.; Brock H.; Cross H.E.; Daley F.R.; Davies E.; Davies G.; Davies WO.; Edwards W.; Elloitt R.; Ellis Olive M.; Ellison C.H.; Evans R.; Farey H.B.; Farr R.; Fearnett A.C.; Fernandez W.; Gannon C.W.; Garner W.H.; Gedling R.; Gough H.; Gray H.; Griffiths W.D.M.; Grogan F.J.; Gunning J.; Guth E.J.; Hall G.R. Hamilton P.J.; Harrison Mary C.; Helm W.O.; Hughes H.; Hughes W.; Iveson E.M.; Jackson J.E.; Jennings H.; Jennings Muriel.; Joinson S.; Jolly K.F.; Jones J.E.; Jones K.S.; jones Mary A.; Jones T.E.; King G.K.; Kirby A.L.; Lamb J.; Lane D.W.; Ledsom E.; Long W.; Matthews J.H.; McDonald H.W.; McGrath Florence; McKay W.H.; McKeown J.; Mc Millan J.; Merrick W.F.; Miley F.J.; Moulder J.G.; Murray W.; O’Driscoll P.; oliver H.J.G.; Osborne J.; Owen F.; Owen J.E.; Parker Lily; Parnell E.E.; Pepler P.; Powell S.G. Preston S.; Prichard A.E.; Richards H.; Roberts J.E.; Robertson D.L.; Robins Florence R.; Robinson R.V.; Seaman W. “A.F.C.”; Sennett Beryl J.; Siddorn J.; Sime W.J.D.; Simpson G.H.; Smart Doreen; Smith E.; Smith J.; Tasker W.; Taylor S.T.; Teppett R.L.; Taylor W.A.; Thomas E.A.; Thomas S.G.; Thomson E.A.; Tompkin F.W.; Trevethan R.E.; Webster R.A.C.; Weston J.; Whittaker J.W.; Wildridge J.; Williams R.E.; Williams W.; Williamson Florence; Woodward Ann D.
Grade I (England)
Port Sunlight Village
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Port Sunlight Village Trust