Horley War Memorial and Memorial Garden - Taken by Ian Capper (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 27 Nov 2011
Horley War Memorial - Taken by Ian Capper (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 27 Nov 2011
Horley War Memorial - Taken by Ian Capper (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 27 Nov 2011
Horley War Memorial and Memorial Garden - Taken by Ian Capper (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 27 Nov 2011
Horley war Memorial - Taken by Doug Cox 16 Feb 2013
Horley War Memorial - Taken by Douglas Cox 25 Nov 2013
Horley 0021 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0011 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0022 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0001 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0012 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0023 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0002 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0013 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0024 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0003 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0014 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0025 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0004 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0015 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0026 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0005 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0016 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0027 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0006 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0017 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0028 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0007 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0018 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0029 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0008 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0019 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0030 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0009 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0020 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0031 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Horley 0010 - Taken by David Larkin 04 May 2014
Reference WMO/131397
War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.
- Stone Stone (any)
- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
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To the Glory of God and in Honour of the Men of Horley who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the Great War 1914-1918Their Name Liveth for Evermore. They shall grow not old as we that are left groe old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
WW1 Horley Dead: Apps Thomas, Atkins Charles, Bailey Charles Henry, Banks George, Barton George William, Bingham Charles Sydney, Borer Frederick Ernest James, Borer Norman Jonathan Henry, Bourne Sidney, Bowen Thomas, Box John, Boyes Reginald John, Bradley Thomas McKenzie, Brocklehurst Thomas Pownall, Brooker George McForland, Brotherton Esme, Buckell Harry Thomas, Budgen William, Bugden Harry Robert, Burbridge Arthur Allen, Burden Edgar, Charlwood Albert, Cheesman Arthur Edward, Chessall Arthur Rowland Holmes, Coburn Harry William George, Comber Frank, Coomber Charles, Cooper Francis Hezekiah, Cooper Frank, Cornford James Edward, Coutts Albert Edward, Croxford William Charles, Day Charles Robert, Drewell Robert John, Elson Charles, Etheridge George Alfred, Fish Harry Edward, Flowers George, Freeman George Cyril, Grahame John Gordon, Hansen Carl Frederick, Hansen William George, Hards William Walter Jordan, Harmes Richard, Henning John Sidney, Hoare William, Holmes Thomas George, Hughes Wilfred Sydney, Humphrey John, Humphrey Michael James, Kenward Charlie, Killick Benjamin Harvey, Killick Sidney, Knowles Harry, Lambert Edward Albert, Leach Ernest Cecil, Ledger Thomas, Liles Henry Walker, Lockyer Edward John, Lucas Edward George, Luscombe Alfred Geoffrey, Manners Douglas William M, Marchant Frederick George, Marchant Henry, Martin John James, Maynard William, Mills Frank, Morgan George Alfred, Mott Francis Stanley, Munn Horace Frank, Nixon Robert William, Parsons Thomas, Payne Edwin, Peach Ernest Alfred, Peppiatt George William, Perry Kenneth George, Pescud Alec Joseph, Pescud Percy Robert, Reeves Joseph Basi,l Remnant Archibald, Richards Henry George, Roffey Frank, Roser Alfred, Russell Donald, Scollick Alban Vincent, Shoubridge Alec John, Smith Ernest Cecil Peirson, Sotham Ralph Clifford, Southgate Sydney George, Standing Charles William, Steer Christopher, Steer George Walter, Stevenson Albert Frederick, Still William Alfred, Stringer Bertie, Strudwick Albert Daniel, Swain Thomas Arthur, Swinden James Sidney, Taylor Frank Lennox, Terry George, Thewless James, Todd Herbert Stanley, Tomsett Charlie, Tribe Charles, Turner Arthur Bert, Vallance Ernest Arthur, Voice Arthur Edward, Warner William Joshua, Webber Henry, Weller Joseph Albert, Weller William John, White Albert James, White Charles, White Geoffrey Saxton, White Ronald John Saxton, White George Garrett William, Wilson Richard John, Wilson Thomas William, Wiltshire James Albert, Woods Arthur John, Woollhead William Hugh, Yardley Leslie Alfred, WW2 Horley Dead Andrews Harold Clifford, Baker George Horace, Barton William Maurice, Burchell Martin Stanley Harry, Chandler William, Chiappori William, Coates William Ernest, Day Michael Irvine Ryder, Dolby Sidney, Dove Cyril Bertie, Edge Thomas, Edwards M, Farquhar Geoffrey Alexander, Fletcher Francis, Frances Kenneth Douglas, Fry Charles Rawdon Keith, Garwood Frederick, Haden-Morris Alec Blenner-Hassett, Harris Edward William Charles, Henley Phillip Ernest, Hextall John Gilbert, Hird John Richard Darbyshire, King Harold, Macquarie Thomas Albert, Martin Derek St George, Park Albert Alfred, Parker Geoffrey Cuming, Parkes B A, Payne Mervyn John, Pickard Kenneth Reginald, Quarendon Douglas Malcolm, Quarendon Roy Maxwell, Rolt Peter Crawford, Russell Robert Cunningham, Scott-Martin Anthony David, Selby Patrick Walter Stephen, Smith G E, Stoner Phillip Ronald, Tester Valentine (Sydney), Tester Wilfred Stanley, Tyrrell Frederick James, Wade Kenneth Edwin, Ward V, Weller Ronald Frederick, White Dennis, Wilson Norman Alexander.
Grade II (England)
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