Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Kirklees Council 01 Jan 2010
Batley War Memorial - Taken by Ian S (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 09 Dec 2011
Reference WMO/133907
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- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Iraq (2003-2009)
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The Inscription reads: In Grateful Memory of the Men of this Town who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918 and in the World War 1939 – 1945
1914 – 1919 1914-1919 Plaque No 1 William Abbot Harry Ackroyd John W. Ackroyd Albert Ainley Allen Ainley David Ainley Ernest Allen William Allerton John Appleyard Walter Appleyard Ernest Archer F. Archer (11.6.1916) Fred Archer (10.5.1917) Percy Archer Harry Armitage William Armitage Leonard Ashton Thomas Ashton William Ashton Paul Asquith Samuel Atkins Frederick Auty Charles Avison Fred Avison Harry Bailey Joseph H. Bailey Joshua Bailey Frederick B. Baines Harry Bakes Frederick H. Ball Joseph N. Balmforth Albert A. Barber Albert E. Barber Edward Barber Robert R. Barber Willie Barber James A. Barclay Gilbert Barraclough William Bartholomew Edwin H. Bateman Harry Batley Edmund Battye John Battle P. Beaumont Thomas Beaumont William Beaumont William Bennett Marriott Benson Willie Benson Arthur Berry Harold Berry Sam Berry Robert Best Fred Beswick Arthur L. Binns John H. Blackburn Charles E. Blakeley Percy Boden Herbert Booker Arthur Booth Herbert Booth James W. Booth John Booth Wallace Booth Ernest Boothroyd Frank Bowling 1914-1919 Plaque No 2 Joseph Bradford John Robert Bragg Dominic Brannan Michael Brannan Alfred Brearey Willie Brearey Daniel Bree J. W. Breheney Dominic Brennan Alfred Brewer Edmund Broadbent Arnold H. Broadley Henry Broadley Michael Broady James E. Brodie James Edward Brook Arthur Brook Lowie Ellis Brook Edmund Brooke John Brooks Robert H. Broomhead Herbert S. Brown Frank Buckley Harry Bullock Robert Burbeck Edmund M. Burnell Percival C. Burnley William Busfield Richard J. Butler Fred Butterfield Sam Butterfield Frederick Byrne Anthony Cadden Michael Cafferty Patrick Cafferty John W. Callaghan Thomas Callaghan Leonard Calvert Percy Calvert Lawrence Carney Martin Carney George A. Carson William f. Carter William HY. Carter George A. Cartwright John Cawthorne Edward Chadwick Albert S. Champion James W. Chappell Thomas W. Chappell Fred Charlesworth Joseph Charlesworth Louis Charlesworth Herbert Childe Fred Clarkson James Clarkson Sargent Clarkson Frank Clayton R. Cleasby Percy Clegg Thomas Clegg William Clegg W. H. Clough Willie Coates Ernest Colbeck William Colbeck 1914-1919 Plaque No 3 Patrick Colleran James Collins R. Collinson John Commons Bartholomew Connor Thomas H. Cook John F. Cookson Fred Fox Cooper Joseph Crabtree Herbert Crawshaw James M. Crawshaw Herbert A. Croft Charlie Crossland Henry Crossland Harold Crossley Percy W. Crossley Benjamin Crowther C. E. Crowther Ernest Crowther Fred Crowther Russell Crowther Rockley Cumberbatch Michael Cunningham Thomas Curley Henry Dalby Wilfred Dalby George Alfred Dale Bertram J. Darton George Davey George Davies John W. Dean John S. Denton Clifford Dewhirst Joseph W. Dews Clifford Dixon Robert Smith Dixon Sam Dixon George Dobson Alfred T. Dodsworth Thomas Dolan Thomas Donlan Peter Dougherty Harold Driver John H. C. Driver Harvey Dunford Alfred Dyer Rufus A. Dyson Arthur Eagleton Ernest S. Eastwood Wilfred E. Earnshaw John Eastwood Tom Eastwood James Edwards Bertram H. Ellens Arthur Elliott Ernest Ellis John W. Enwright John W. Evans Richard Evans James Ewart Robert Ewart William Ewart Robert Exley Christopher W. Farrar Claude Farrar Harry Farrar 1914-1919 Plaque No 4 John J. A. Farrar Matthew Farrar Charles Fenton Leonard Ferrari Henry Field Thomas Finneran Arthur Firth Daniel Firth Fred Firth John William Firth Robert Blakey Firth William Firth (23.8.1915) Willie Firth (21.3.1918) Henry Fisher Willie S. Fisher Lewis Fitton Holroyd Fletcher William Fletcher Michael Flynn James Foley Thomas Foley Clifford Fone William Foster George Fox George Arthur Fox Harry Fox James William Fox John Henry Fox Joseph Wilfred Fox Oliver Fozard George C. Francis Percy B. France William E. Freeman Charles W. Gallagher Martin Gallagher Patrick Gallagher Frank Gamble Thomas Gannon James Garner Ernest Garside Harry Garside Louis Rebla Garside Harold Gaunt James Gavaghan John Gavaghan Joseph Gavaghan Peter Gavaghan (3.11.1916) Peter Gavaghan (23.8.1918) Thomas Gavaghan James William Gay Thomas W. Gear Henry Geldard Albert Gibson Joseph Gibson Marshall Gibson Thomas A. Gibson Walter C. Gibson Clifford A. Gill George H. Gill Wilfred Gill William A. Gill John E. Gledhill Samuel Gledhill John W. Goddard Norman Goddard Samson Goldthorpe 1914-1919 Plaque No 5 John Goodall Stanley Goodall Joseph H. Goodare Sam Gooder Arthur Grayson William A. Greaves George S. Green Fred Greenwood George G. Greenwood Adam Gregory James Griffin Fred D. Griffiths Henry Croark James Croark Michael Croark Joseph Guider Albert Gunn Alfred Haggerston Herbert W. Haggerston David Haigh Henry Haigh Herbert Haigh Harry A. Hall Joseph Hall Walter Hall Willie W. Hall John Hallas Willie Halliday George F. Hampshire Harold Hampshire Harry Hampshire Alfred Handley Tom R. Handley John W. Hanstock Herbert Hardy George Harford George A. Hargreaves Harry Hargreaves William Hargreaves Harry Harris Richard Harrison Arthur Hartley Edward Hartley Ernest Harwood James Heal Clifford Heald James Healey Sam Heaps Alfred Helliwell John Helliwell Colbeck Hemingway Fred Hemingway (25.5.1918) F. Hemingway (26.12.1920) Johnson Hemingway Thomas H. Hemingway Benjamin Hepworth Harry Hepworth J. Hepworth Rueben Hepworth Thomas W. Hepworth Walter Hepworth William Hepworth Harry Heward Israel Hey Walter Hey Thomas W. Hick 1914-1919 Plaque No 6 William Higgins Farrar Hill Frederick Hill Jesse Hill Percy Hill Willie Hinchcliffe C. S. Hirst Herbert Hirst (20.8.1918) Herbert Hirst (12.11.1918) Joseph H. Hirst Robert Hirst Thomas Hirst (8.7.1915) Thomas Hirst (1.7.1916) Wilfred Hirst (11.11.1916) Wilfred Hirst (15.8.1918) Walter Hobson Harry Holdsworth Charles E. Holgate Thomas Holliday Ernest C. Holmes Wilfred E. Holmes Michael Hopkins Patrick Hopkins Michael Horan George W. Horne T. Hough Albert H. Houlbrook John W. Howard. K.O.Y.L.I J. W. Howard (R.E) Percy Howard Granville Howe John Herman Howe J. Howgate Michael Howley Arthur Hudson Charles H. Huggins James Hughes Walter J. Hughes William C. Hughes Arnold Humphrey Michael Hunt Charles Hunter Tom Hunter Fred Idle Lister Idle Joseph E. Illingworth Alfred Ineson Charles C. Ineson Clifford B. Ineson Ernest Ineson Frank Ineson Fred Ineson Harry Ineson (27.8.1917) Harry Ineson (18.9.1918) Herbert Ineson James W. Ineson William B. Ineson Clifford Ingleson Joseph Inman Albert K. Jackson Frank Jackson Fred Jackson John Jackson Norman James Harry Jaques Alexander Jessop 1914-1919 Plaque No 7 Ernest Jessop Willie Jessop George A. Johnson George H. Johnson A. C. Joy Charles Jubb James C. Jubb Joseph S. Jubb Lawrence Judge Charles Kaye William Kellett William Kelley Leonard Kendrick Thomas E. Kershaw T. Erskine Kershaw George Key John Willie Key John Kilkenny James A. Killingley Joseph King Randall Kitchingman John H. Kitson William P. Kitson Fred Knowles Fred Labourn Charles Laird Bruce Landers Patrick Lang Herbert Law John Law Reginald E. Laxton Irvin Leach John Leach (6.4.1917) John Leach (13.4.1918) George Leather George Lee Horace Lee Joshua Lee George W. Lees George A. Leigh Edward Leonard Ernest Lightfoot Harvey Lilley Percy Link Tom Lister Alfred Lobley Herbert Lockwood George Lodge Harold Lodge John A. Lodge Joseph A. Lodge Leonard Lodge George S. Longbottom William W. Longbottom Edwin Longley Frank Loughhead Thomas Lovell Harold L. Lumb Mark Lumb Michael Lydon Harold Lyles J. Thomas Lynch William Lynch John Lyons Patrick Lyons Charles W. Major 1914-1919 Plaque No 8 Thomas Maloney Clement Manning Joseph H. Marriott Ernest Mason H. Massey James Edward May John W. Mayman James McDonald John T. McMahon William McManus Thomas McNamara John Micklethwaite Fred Midgley A. S. J. Miles E. Milner George H. Milnes James Mitchell Harold Molineux Fred Moody Arthur Moore Edward H. Moore Godfrey W. Moore James Moorhouse Wilfred Morgan Orlando Morrison George Mortimer Joah Mortimer John W. Mortimer Percy Mortimer R. Mortimer Ben Morton Herbert Morton Alfred Mosley Harold Moss Thomas Mossley John Simon Mould Arthur Moyser Joseph E. Munns John Murphy Charles Myatt Denton Myers Patrick Naifsey Gilbert Naylor Frederick Nelsey Ernest Nelson James W. Nelson Harry Nettleton Arthur Newsome (3.7.1918) Arthur Newsome (21.9.1916) Ernest Newsome Lionel M. Newsome William Newsome Charles Newton Arthur Nicholson Austin Nolan John North Thomas W. Oakland Percy Oddy Michael J. O’Hara James Oldroyd Willie Oldroyd Norman J. Padgett Ben T. Parker Joseph Parker Edward A. Parkes Clifford Parkin 1914-1919 Plaque No 9 Robert Parkin Jas K. Parkinson Wm. Chas D. Parkinson Robert Pearce William C. Pearce Frank Pearson Arthur Peel John Peel John W. Phelps Willie Phelps Arthur Pickering Frank Pickering Henry w. Pickering John A. Pickering Albert E. Pickles Ernest Pollard Fred Pollard Herbert Pollard Thompson Pollard Willie Porter Fred Poskitt John W. Poskitt Herbert Potter Eddie Pratt Arthur Preston George R. Preston Herman Preston James L. Preston Richard Preston Walter Preston Willie H. Preston Roland G. Pride Herbert Priestley Charles Purdy Thomas S. Race Harry Raine Robert Randerson Harry Rayner James W. Rayner Arthur Redfearn Ben Redfearn Clarence Redfearn Joseph Redgwick Walter Reynolds Cecil Rhodes Horace Rhodes Harry Richardson Percy Richardson Wainwright Richardson Walter Richardson George Ridsdale Willie Riley Albert J. Roberts Arthur Roberts George Roberts Harry Roberts Reginald Roberts Herbert Robins Ernest Robinson Frank Robinson Fred Robinson John Robinson William Robson Patrick Roche William A. Rock Alfred Rodgers 1914-1919 Plaque No 10 Frank B. Roebuck Lionel H. Rooke Frank Rothery William Rothery James Rush George H. Ryan Lawrence Ryan James G. Rymer Leonard Sampson Roland Saxton John A. Scaife Ripley Schofield John W. Scorah Clement Senior Fred Senior Harold Senior Herbert Senior Willie Senior Frederick Sharp William H. Sharp Percy Sykes Shaw Seth Shaw Arthur Sheard P. W. L. Sheard William A. Sheard Harry Shortland Arthur Sill Harry Simon Harry Simpson Albert Smith (12.7.1918) Albert Smith (27.5.1918) Arthur Smith Ernest Smith Harry Smith James Smith John Smith (1.7.1916) John Smith (8.11.1917) Leonard Smith Norman Smith William H. Smith Albert A. Smithson H. Smithson Harry Sowden Herbert Spedding John B. Spedding Albert Speight Clifford Speight Ernest L. Speight John W. Speight Willie Speight George Spencer P. C. Spencer Robert Spencer J. Victor Spurr Ernest Stables James A. Stancliffe Edwin Stanley Harry Stead Herbert C. Stead Joseph Stead Tom Stead Willie Stead Horace K. Stedeford John Stenson Chas. H. Stephenson George Stephenson 1914-1919 Plaque No 11 Joseph Stockdale Joseph D. Stocks Joseph J. Stone James G. Stubley J. Reginald Stubley Moses Stubley Percy Stubley Harry Summers Arnold Summerscales Willie Summerscales Herbert Sutcliffe George Swift James Swincoe Clifford Sykes Ernest Sykes George Sykes Harry Sykes John W. Sykes Joseph Sykes Sam Sykes Victor Sykes John B. Talbot Wilfred Talbot John Taylor Richard A. Taylor Willie Taylor Ernest Teale R. Percival Teale Alfred Terry George W. Terry Harry Terry Gilbert Thackray Percy Thewlis Thomas Thewlis Arthur Thompson Bertie Thompson Charles O. Thompson George H. Thompson Robert Thompson John T. Thraves Willie Thwaites Willie Tillotson Robert Tindale Herbert Tomlinson W. F. Townsend Willie Townsley James Trainor Joseph H. Truelove Joseph Turnbull Arthur Turner Richard Tyler Arthur Vasey William S. Vero Herbert S. Vollands John E. Wade James A. Waldey Richard Walford Albert Walker Frank Walker George Walker Ingham Walker James W. Walker Percy Walker Horace Waller Edgar S. Walls Richard C. Walsh 1914-1919 Plaque No 12 Arthur Walshaw Thomas Walton Albert Ward Frank Ward Fred Ward Joseph Ward William Ward Albert Watson Donald J. Watson Fred Watson James C. Watson Joseph Webber Fred Webster Eric Fox Wharton Charles Whitaker Edgar Whitaker Leonard Whitehead Rowland Whitehead Tom Whitehead Gilbert Whiteley Percy A. M. Whiteley Thomas G. Whiteley George Whittaker Edward Whitworth Isaac H. Wilde Arthur Wilkinson David Wilkinson Robert Wilkinson William Williams Alfred Wilson Arthur Wilson Edward Wilson Gilbert Wilson Harry Wilson Joseph Wilson Joshua W. Wilson Noah L. Wilson Norman Windle John Winn Fredk W. Womersley Herbert J. A. Wood James Wood Thornton Wood George A. Woodhall Arthur W. B. Woodhead Joe Woodhead Harry Woodhouse Hugh Woods Alfred Wrigley Arthur Wrigley George Wrigley George Wroe Joseph Wroe George Fredk. Wyer Stephen F. Yates Thomas W. Yates 1914 – 1918 Addenda Joseph Boothroyd H. Boyes George Brannen William Andrew Brearley William Bromley Joe Cave John Thomas Cogan MM Arthur Collins John Bailey Dixon MM John Frederick Farrar Wilfred Gill Alfred Grundell-Grahame James A. Greenhough A. Hirst J. R. Hirst W. Holden Fred Hudson Joseph Albert Kemp Parker Kitchingman Thomas Lee G. E. Lodge G. R. Moody Edward Newby William S. Parrington George R. Peace Ambrose G. Preston W. H. Preston Norman Renshaw T. Riley George L. Scholefield Henry Scholefield John R. Stubley William Spencer H. Sykes Leonard Sykes Allan Tattersfield H. Taylor Ben Wainwright Joseph A. Watson Frederick Whitwham Thomas N. Wilcock George F. Wildsmith 1939 ROLL of HONOUR 1945 AND POST WAR CAMPAIGNS Plaque No 1 W. Akroyd R. Archer K. Ashby H. Ashwell H. Barber S. Barham W. Barnes D. Beaumont G. K. Beaumont P. Beaumont R. Bell R. S. Bennett J. Benton D. Blakeley B. Bottomley J. Bradley T. Brannan G. M. Brearley A. J. Brier W. Bromley A. Brooke W. Brothwell E. L. Brown J. Brown A. E. Burnell J. Carr A. Carter M. Carter J. Casson W. Chatswood J. Clapham H. Cliff J. F. S. Cliffe W. Clough J. Colbeck L. Coldwell I. Hyde M. Maloney W. Coram A. Crossley H. Crossley C. Crowther F. Crowther L. Cullen W. Cullen A. Dale J. Daley G. Darrington G. R. Dean J. S. Denton R. Dickenson A. Dixon W. Donnelly W. Durkin T. Egan G. A. Emmingam C. Farrar D. W. Farrar L. Farrar J. Farrington Jos. Farrington E. Faundling J. H. Fenton W. A. Fiddes R. Fleming T. Fleming F. F. Fordham G. H. Fox T. Fox A. T. Fozzard H. Fozzard P. B. France J. Gallagher J. P. Gallagher A. Lockwood J. Hydes Shaun Andrew Brierley Iraq – 2003 B. Garfield H. Garner E. Gash T. H. Gibson C. Gill N. Gill H. Gillbanks C. Gledhill A. Goodhall G. H. Goodhall G. Green H. Hainsworth W. Hall J. Halloran R. Hallsworth C. Halstead E. Hannan G. E. Haslem L. Haywood W. Haywood H. Heaton P. Hepworth F. Higgins A. E. Hill S. K. Hill J. S. Hirst L. Hirst S. Hirst W. Hobart K. Hodgson D. Holmes W. Holmes J. Hopkins L. Horton H. Hughes F. Ibbotson J. Lockwood G. Green 1939 ROLL of HONOUR 1945 AND POST WAR CAMPAIGNS Plaque No 2 A. Ineson H. Ineson J. F. Ineson A. Ingham A. Jackson J. S. Kelly F. Kemp J. Kerfoot W. Land J. Lloyd W. Lobley A. Lodge S. Long B. P. Lunn E. Lynch J. Maguire F. S. Mann J. Marshall W. McAllister A. McKenzie J. A. McMalley A. Miller J. Millgate J. Mitchell T. Moss A. Mullins F. Munns Fr. Munns A.F. Muris J.L. Naylor K. Naylor D. NewelL J. Newsome T. R. Newsome Sarah Byrom Kitty Blamires P. Gavaghans Frederick H. Sykes W. Nowell P. C. Parker A. Parkinson J.H. Pearson W.T. Pickles A. Pollard S. Potter F. Priestley A. Pyrah R. Ramsbottom J. Ramsden W. Reynard E. Richardson N.V. Riley H. Rhodes H. Roberts H. Robertshaw W. Robertshaw R. Rodgers H. Rodley H. Scholey L. H. Scholey W. L. Scott C. Senior H. Senior J. R. Senior J. W. Senior L. Sheldon J. Sheridan F. K. Slaughter G. Smith J. Smith L. Smith W. Smith I. Sykes W. Smithson K. Steele L. Stubley A. R. Sykes H. Tattersfield J. C. Taylor A. Thompson D. Threadgold J. T. W. Tremain R. Turner J. Turton F. Walker J. Walker J. E. Walsh J. Ward G. Wardle T. Waring G. N. Watson J. C. Watson H. Wilkinson H. R. Willacey L. Williamson B. Wilson J. Wilson E. W. Winkley J. O. Wood W. Wood R. Woodcock P. Wray C. Wright J. N. Wright N. Wright W. C. Wright L. Wrighton Mary McLoughlin Marie Hemingway L. Fitzpatrick H. M. R. Broadhead 1939 – 1945 Addenda Charles Ernest Baker John Ernest Barker Norman Bedford George Edward Benson Thomas Michael Brennan Clarence Fred Brown John Carbutt Colin Esmonde M. Crabtree Douglas Emmerson Aubrey Bowan Evans Arthur Farrar Edward John Flaherty Michael Ford Stanley Levy Foxton Emmanuel W. Garbutt Francis Gess Alfred L. Gildea Stanley Grundy Willie Howarth Clifford Lockwood Thomas H. Moffat John Mossley Ernest Pendlebury Kenneth Pollard Joan Robinson R. A. Room James Senior James W. Senior Walter Senior Harry Spencer Eric Stansfield George F. Staples Bernard Stenchion Charles E. Sykes Fred Thompson Alfred West Ralph Wilson
Grade II (England)
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