Western Isle of Lewis

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Reference WMO/136014


Between the former Kirk and the Uig Community Centre

B8011 near Erista, between Garynahine and Uig

Timsgarry (Timsgerraidh) Isle of Lewis



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War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.

Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Cenotaph
  • Stone Stone (any)
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
About the memorial: Tapering stone pillar on two-stepped plinth. Service badges of Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and Merchant Navy in relief on pillar above metal plaque with inscription on each face. Whole sited on paved area surrounded by metal fence. The memorial overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and Flannan Isles. It is known that many ships from convoys were sunk in this area, after being attacked by U-boats. Covers the communities of Aird Uig, Crowlista, Ardroil, Brenish, Carnish, Islivig, Mangersta, Carishader, Enaclete, Geshader, Kinlochroag, Lochcrositean, Kneep, Reef, Uigen and Valtos- Including the Iolaire Disaster Enclosed within steel fencing. Concreted approach and surround. Four spotlights. Armed Forces emblems at the top of each face. Unveiled in 1999 by Former Leading Seaman RNR Donald Buchanan, DSM. He was awarded the DSM for bravery aboard HMS Wivern in 1940. His cousin died beside him in action.
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ERECTED IN MEMORY OF ALL THOSE WHO FOUGHT AND DIED FOR FREEDOM/ AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN AND IN THE MORNING WE WILL REMEMBER THEM (Exact spacing unknown.) Plaque 1: AIRD UIG/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ CROWLISTA/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ IOLAIRE DISASTER/ 01-01-1919/ CROWLISTA/ (Names) Plaque 2: ARDROIL/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ BREANISH/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ CARNISH/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ ISLIVIG/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ MANGERSTA/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ IOLAIRE DISASTER/ 01-01-1919/ BREANISH/ (Names) Plaque 3- CARISHADER/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ ENACLETE/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ GESHADER/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ KINLOCHROAG/ 1939-1945/ (Names) Plaque 4-/ KNEEP/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ REEF/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ UIGEN/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ VALTOS/ 1914-1918/ (Names)/ 1939-1945/ (Names)/ IOLAIRE DISASTER/ 01-01-1919/ IUGEAN/ (Names) (Exact order of plaques on memorial unknown.) [Cannot see anything to indicate which panel relates to which war]

Plaque 1- Aird Uig, 1914-1918/ 2 - Malcolm Mackenzie, age 34, Machine Gun Corps, died 1917/ 8 - Malcolm Macleod, aged 33, Gordons, died 1917/ 9 - Donald Maciver, aged 28, RNR, died 1918/ Crowlista, 1914-1918/ 1 - Donald Nicolson, aged 26, Seaforths, died 1917/ 2 - John Macdonald, aged 28, Seaforths, died 1914/ 12B - Peter Maclean, aged 40, Australians, died 1918/ 14B - Murdo Mackay, aged 30, Seaforths, died 1918/ 20 - Donald Macdonald, aged 28, RNR, died 1918/ Donald M. Fraser, aged 24, Royal Scots, died 1916/ Crowlista, 1939-1945/ 22 - Neil Matheson, aged 27, RNR, died 1943/

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