Ardrossan WWI

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Reference WMO/145688


South Crescent Road


KA22 8DU


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War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.

Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Latin cross
  • Stone Sandstone
Lettering: Unknown
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: Memorial stands in park by seafront. Tall Cullaloe freestone cross with Celtic designs at the top, above three narrow heavily-carved panels on the shaft of the cross. The front face of the cross has a plain central boss. The reverse face of the cross has an incised cross with simple Celtic knotwork. The highest and largest panel on the shaft shows 'St Columba' (associated with the introduction of Christianity into Scotland), with a dove and a crozier, and the word 'Religion'. Beneath it is a smaller panel showing two figures identified as (Robert the) 'Bruce' and 'Admiral Wood' (Sir Andrew), the two representing 'War'; with the bottom panel having three figures identified as 'Livingstone' (David), 'Burns' (Robert) and 'Watt' (James), representing 'Peace'. The cross sits atop a plinth with the inscription and bronze plaque with six columns of names. There are three curved steps leading to the plinth, and two curved stone benches radiating from the back of the plinth. The benches have a carved detail of circular Celtic knotwork.
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They gave their lives for their country and received each for his own memory praise that will never die, and with it the noblest sepulchre not that in which their mortal bones are laid but a home in the minds of men.

Adams JohnAdamson George Addis Adamson Robert Thorburn Alexander Archibald C.E. Anderson David Shanks Anderson George Ashton John Beckett James Ranald Bell Lawrence Blackwood John Boa William H. Boyd David Boyd John Breckenridge George Breckenridge William Brennen Hugh Bruce Robert Andrew Cairns William Caldwell Duncan Caldwell Thomas Carpenter George Cartner George Chrystie James Alexander Clinton Thomas Conn William Galloway Cook Donald MacQueen Cook William Cranston Thomas Crawford David Cullen Hugh Cullen John Curlett John Currie Robert Breckenridge Dick William Docherty John Docherty Patrick Donnachie William Douglas Gilbert Dow Dugald Fleming John Fleming William Fleming William Robert Gardiner Duncan Gates Thomas Gibb James Shirra Gibson Daniel M. Goodwin Matthew Deane Gray James Green Robert McI. Grierson John Guthrie William Hamilton James Hamilton James Smith Harvey John Houston James Hunter James Irvine Thomas Young Irvine William Johnstone John Jones Alfred Kean Andrew Kerr John Peter Kerr Robert Killin Duncan Laughland Raymond Leitch John Leonard William Linton Henry McEwan Logan Peter Lynch Hugh MacKay George Douglas Martin Alexander Melvin William Miller John Orr Morton James McLaren Muir Alexander Muir James Munn Francis Munn John William Munro Archie Murphy John Murray Andrew S. McArthur Dugald McCafferty Hugh P. McCallum Daniel McCallum James McCaskill Alexander McCreadie Robert McDonald Archibald McDonald David McDowall John McEwan David McEwan Duncan McFarlane John McGill Daniel McGillivray John McGillivray William McGrattan Thomas McIlroy James McInnes William McIntyre William McKirdy John McLachlan Duncan McLean John McLeish Thomas McMillan John McMillan John Mathieson McMillan William McNamee Patrick McNicol Angus Nolan Peter Nolan William Craig Norwood James A. Ogden Charles Fraser Pearson Maxwell C. Phinn William Radcliffe James Radcliffe William Ramsay George Rankin John Ritchie Robert Roche Patrick Rodger William C. Rodman Arthur Mathieson Roxburgh James Cook Roxburgh John Hampton Skillen Robert Smith Angus Ross Smith Charles Smith James Ritchie Smith Mathew Patterson Smith Thomas Howie Smyth William Stairs Robert S. Stevens J. Bright Stevenson George Arthur Tait William Taylor Andrew Taylor George Walker Taylor John Thomson Thomas Travers Andrew Tummilty Charles Urquhart Ian S. Walker Archibald Kennedy Wallace Tom Wallace William H. Watt Edwin H. Whitehead James Wright William

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