Clevedon - Peace Memorial

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Reference WMO/158434



Elton Road

jct Seavale Road


BS21 7RS


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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Roadside
Description: Pillar/column
  • Stone Marble
Lettering: Incised
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
  • Boer War, Second (1899-1902)
About the memorial: Specifically designated as a 'Peace Memorial'. Lists the names of the fallen from the 2nd Boer War. Located in a commanding position on Clevedon sea front.
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In commemoration of PEACE And in memory of the 0fficers, N.C.Officers and Men of Clevedon and District who fell in the service of their Country in the South African War 1899 - 1902 This column was erected by their Comrades and by the General Public of Clevedon and District. Dedicated also to the memory of those Men and women of Clevedon and District who gave their lives in the two World Wars 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945

Lt Herbert C.W.BETHON Royal Highlanders. Magersfontein. Herbert Cecil Willoughby Berthon, of Cleeve Court, Somersetshire, 2nd Batt. Royal Highlanders (Black Watch), died on Dec. 15th, 1899, at Wynberg, Cape Colony, of wounds received at Magersfontein. He was the son of the late Major-Gen. T. P. Berthon, of West Mount, Ryde, Isle of Wight, and was born June 10th, 1865. Lieut. Berthon served in the ranks nearly seven years and gained his commission as 2nd lieut. in the East Yorkshire Regt., Jan., 1894; promoted lieut. Oct., 1896, and transferred to the Royal Highlanders, Oct., 1897. He served with the Kimberley Relief Force under Lieut.-Gen. Lord Methuen previous to being wounded at Magersfontein. (Extracted from 'The Last Post - Roll of Officers who fell in South Africa 1899-1902' by Mildred G Dooner). 2nd Lt Raymond H.WILLIAMS 2nd Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry. HIGEL. Raymond Henry Williams, 2nd Batt. Somersetshire Light Infantry, was wounded by the accidental discharge of his revolver while on outpost duty on Sept. 6th, 1901, and died the same day at Nigel. He was born in June, 1882, educated at Wellington, and entered the 4th Batt., Somersetshire Light Infantry in Oct., 1899. His battalion was embodied in Dec., 1899, and proceeded to South Africa in Feb., 1900. 2nd Lieut. Williams served with it for over a year and was then granted a commission in the Dorsetshire Regt. in Jan., 1901, being transferred to the 2nd Batt. Somersetshire Light Infantry in the following May and joined it in South Africa. He had thus served throughout the war from Feb., 1900. (Extracted from 'The Last Post - Roll of Officers who fell in South Africa 1899-1902' by Mildred G Dooner). Able Seaman William BAILEY Royal Navy. HMS Doris. Trooper Ernest RIDEOUT 6th Dragoon Guards. Springfontein. Charles MORTIMER 48th Coy L.Y. (North Somerset). Johannesburg. Henry GAINS [worn out]. Gunner William NEADS Royal Artillery. Ladysmith. Driver Albert WYATT Royal Artillery. Bloemfontein. Sapper Charles SHEPSTONE Devon & Somerset Royal Engineers. (Vols). Pretoria. Private Sidney HALE 2nd Battalion, Grenadier Guards. Leribe. James SAMPSON 2nd Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry. Maritzburg. Robert SELWOOD 4th Battalion,[worn away]. East London. Frederick HARVEY [worn away]. Oliver GRIFFIN [worn away]. Netley Hospital.* Edward WILLING 2nd Battalion, South Wales Borderers. Bloemfontein. Henry CARD [worn away],Gloucestershire Regiment. Denetsdorf.

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