Trowbridge - Post Card - Taken by WWright 1920s estimated after unveiling date 13 Aug 1921
Front view of memorial - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
WW2 names panel 1 - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
WW2 names panel 2 - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
WW1 names panel 1 - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
WW1 names panel 2 - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
WW1 names panel 3 - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
WW1 names panel 4 - Taken by Mike Guttridge 16 Aug 2014
Trowbridge War Memorial (Wiltshire) - Taken by Michael Day 01 Nov 2014
Reference WMO/159507
War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.
- Metal Bronze
- Other Concrete
- Stone Portland stone
- First World War (1914-1918)
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To our glorious dead 1914-1918 1939-1945
H Abrams SGT C Bray PTE W Dallimore PTE TP Adlam PTE WC Bray PTE V Dallimore PTE G Alford DVR WG Brittain SAPPR B Daly DVR J Andrews PTE A Brunker PTE FB Deverill L'C J Andrews PTE W Burge L'C J Dicks L'C FH Angel L'C HJ Burbidge BDR AE Dowding SGT AE Ash L'C H Butcher PTE CL Down PTE R Atkinson L'C F Butcher A.B JC Drinkwater SGT AJ Ayres L'C WS Bush BDR WT Dunlop L'C PH Baber L'C RJ Burton PTE AJ Earl SIG F Bartholomew L'C A Bull PTE J Earl PTE WJ Baker SGT HW Bull GR WE Earney PTE V Baker PTE J Carpenter PTE J Elms PTE AE Baker PTE TP Carpenter PTE J Elms PTE W Bailey CPL AH Carr SAPPR CL Elms PTE C Bailey PTE W Chivers GR F Elliott PTE AH Bailey PTE HC Champion PTE R Etwell SGT CW Baden PTE HH Chappell PTE R Evans PTE CB Banks PTE FA Clift L'C AS Farr PTE W Baverstock DVR HR Clift PTE CH Field PTE HG Beaven L'C HC Clark CAPT A Fluke PTE WG Bendall SGT FW Cox CPT E Ford PTE WJ Bennett PTE WA Cox P.O. A Ford PIONR E Bennett PTE LA Cox CPL AE Frame SGT PS Belcher SGT M Colcomb L'C FF Frame PTE EJG Belbin L'C JR Cole SIG F Francis PTE J Bethell PTE BN Cottle PTE SH Fry PTE GW Bishop PTE HC Collins LT HAG Fryer PTE AC Bishop PTE WJ Cooper PTE RS Fulford SGT SH Billet PTE WJ Cockerton CPL L Gayton PTE GV Blake LT JO Couldridge LT F Gardner BUGR RH Blake PTE TV Cross GR A Gibbs DVR FH Blower SAPPR J Cutmore PTE F Gore CPL RG Box PTE FH Curtis PTE EA Gomm LSGT A Box PTE SJ Culverhouse DVR SO Gomm PTE CG Bond CAPT WW Davis DVR WJF Griffen PTE WJ Boscombe PTE A Davis PTE GWF Griffen PTE RR Bray PTE HW Davis SAPPR SH Griffen A.B WFS Groves PTE HCC Knowler PTE ALL Palmer MAJ H Greenhill PTE JA Knowles PTE GR Palmer LT SEJ Green PTE AV Lane PTE A Park PTE W Hall PTE F Land SAPPR W Parsons PTE A Harrison CPL L Lertora TPR C Pearce SAPPR JH Hawkins CPL JH Lester DVR TH Pepler PTE WJ Hawkins PTE WG Lester C.M.S. FJ Perrett L'C AJ Hayter PTE AE Little L'C HP Perryman PTE GH Harman PTE JT Long PTE CG Perryman PTE W Harris PTE WGT Loveday PTE TW Pickard L'C B Hatherhill L'C J Loxley PTE JC Pickard PTE SP Hartley PTE H Loxley PTE WH Pinchin PTE EG Hillman DVR AW Maill PTE H Pictor PTE GG Herman-Hodge CAPT JH Mackett SGT J Potter PTE A Hodge DVR EV Mattock PTE AC Potter PTE F Holton SAPPR EWT Mattock PTE R Potter PTE J Holloway PTE CE Marmont PTE CW Potter SGT FR Holloway PTE WG Marshman PTE RS Potter PTE WJ Holloway PTE H Marshman PTE W Powell L'C EJ Hollis L'C RJ Matthews LT EE Preen PTE G Hooper PTE BWF Maguire PTE HJ Preen CPL HC Horton PTE GD Martin PTE HP Prosser SGT WE Horton SGT AH Mead SGT GH Purnell PTE GJD Hunt L'C E Meaden PTE FM Purnell L'C WA Hurn L'C H Meaden SAPPR W Purnell L'C HJ Hurn PTE CE Miller PTE WA Ranson BDR HE Hutton GNR T Morris PTE J Randall CAPT T Hurley SGT W Moore PTE B Randall PTE AJ Hudd CPL C Mooney PTE PR Randall PTE W Jacobs PTE LFH Mundy LT G Randall L'C H Jefferies PTE VH Mundy PTE EJ Rawlings STRR.N WE Jenkins CAPT CH Neave TPR J Rawlings PTE LH Jones SAPPR FAJ Nelson PTE S Reeves DVR WG Jones PTE CJ Norris PTE HS Rees PTE JF Keevil GNR WH Noyes PTE F Reynolds PTE HJ King M.M. JA Oliver PTE SH Reynolds PTE RT Knight PTE F Overton PTE AJ Richards ARTFR MV Knee DVR HJ Owen PTE AG Ricketts PTE FJ Rose PTE EC Thornton C.S.M. R Rose PTE W Trollope PTE EJ Rose CPL W Treasure L'C HH Rogers ARTFR W Underwood PTE A Rogers PTE AH Waterhouse PTE EP Rogers PTE H Webb SGT CE Robbins PTE CE Westall GR WA Ruddle PTE WJ White PTE AV Sartain PTE HA White PTE J Sartain PTE RH White PTE J Say PTE GS Whiting L'C H Scrine MN T Wheeler PTE WJVD Scott LT CF Wheeler L'C HW Shearman SGT WG Wickham SGT RH Shimmon PTE W Wilkins PTE GH Shrapnell PTE AE Willis PTE GH Shrapnell PTE HF Willis PTE WF Shrapnell PTE CR Winter PTE W Shrapnell PTE WC Woods PTE AF Shrapnell A.B H Woodman ARTFR AF Sherwood L'C C York PTE W Sidnell L'C HS Young PTE W Sidnell SGT WAP Young PTE CL Smart PTE C Smith PTE A Smith PTE HC Smith PTE GN Smith PTE HD Smith PTE J Smith CPL F Snelgrove PTE LV Southwell LT C Styles PTE HH Stillman PTE F Stokes PTE F Tadd L'C E Taylor CPL H Turner PTE AJ Amber C Gunstone JL Angell HE Hammond JM Avons JHD Hammond AE Baker K Hardiman NK Baker J Harding WH Balch EC Hartley E Bath SW Harwood WH Bennett PA Hodgson J Birkett SJ Holmes KG Bishop A Hooper GA Blackey L Hooper WG Burbidge H Hopper HK Burgess J Huggins CK Burton IAC Hunt WR Carter HH Hurn GA Chalk HH Jones LH Chick FEB Keene F Chivers BA Ledbury AE Clift S Lovell-Hewitt WJ Cole FEJ Maidment DM Connor GD May AJ Couldrake AB McKay L Dallimore KAL Mitchell R Dallimore ATC Moore AW Dobson C Mortimer LG Dobson S Mortimer AB Drew AS Newbury CHF Dutch L Noyes G Eades E Oakford WR Edwards J Oakford WL Elms HT Penty J Emery L Pike AE Evans J Powell R Feltham SR Pullinger LL Francis MC Richards DM Giles L Robbins H Glasspool D Roberts FL Gulley J Ryan K Sartin FG Slade H Slatford FH Slatford AW Smith FH Smith JL Smith H Stafford H Stevens TA Stott AH Taylor MG Thompson T Thompson AWA Trevarthen AC Wade AW Waight JAD Waite RW Wake AJH Walker EN Warr RA Warren EGFR Watts GT Wenham R Wenham EJ Williams AJ Woodley
Grade II (England)
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