Hartlepool War Memorial - Taken by JThomas (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 25 Feb 2012
Hartlepool War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Hartlepool War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Hartlepool War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Hartlepool War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names A-B - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names B-C - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names C-D - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names D-G - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names G-H - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names H-J - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names J-M - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names M-N - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names N-R - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names R-S - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names S-T - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names T-Y - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names A-B - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names B-C - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names C - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names C-E - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names F-G - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names G-H - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names H-K - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names K-M - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names M - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names N-Q - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names R-S - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names S - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names S-T - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names U-W - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Names W-Y - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Hartlepool War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 28 May 2018
Private Robert Willson 18/909 DLI, of Haswell House, Foggy Furze, Hartlepool, born 7 April 1890 died 1 July 1916. - Taken by Robin/John Willson 30 Jun 2018
Home Guard WW2 - Taken by Original photograph taken by Yeoman & Co, West Hartlepool 08 Aug 2024
Reference WMO/162592
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- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
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1914-1919 + 1939-1945 In grateful remembrance of the men of this town who at their country's call left all that was dear to them to hazard their lives that others might live in Freedom Their name liveth for evermore Inscription on the rear of the Obelisk – below a Cross – Thine, O Lord Is the Victory
Panel 1 Adams George Edward Armstrong John Batchelor Alan William Adams Gordon Armstrong Nathan Sotheran Bate Albert William Adams James William Armstrong Thomas Bates J.H.R. Addison Robert Arnold James Baxter Bertie Addison Sydney Arnold S.B.C. Baynes Albert C. Addison William Henry Ashton Thomas Henry Beach Albert Affleck James Atkinson Edwin Gordon Beardsmore Thomas Agar Banks Atkinson Harold Theodore Beck Albert Agar H.M. Atkinson Harold Thorpe Beedle Francis William Agar James Atkinson Harold Belk Eric Agar John Robert Atkinson Herbert Bell Christopher William Agar Ralph Atkinson John Bell James Ainsley John Atkinson Robert Bell J.W. Airey George Auton Arthur Bell John William Alderson Arthur William Bell R.H. Alderson C.G. Bacon Allan Harvey Bell Robert Norman Alderson Jas Wm. Bacon Horace Bell Samuel Rowntree Alderson J.W. Bainbridge Albert Edwin Bell William Aldus Robert Baker Albert Bell Wilson Allan Coltman Barker Allan Bennett John Allan Ronald Baker George Edward Bennett Reginald Allen Frank Baker John James Benson Thomas William Allinson Francis Richard Baldwin John Waite Bentley Victor Edward Exley Allison Chas. Fredk. Baldwin Laurence Bere Robert Allison Thomas Wm. Baldry J.R. Berry Edmund Alliston W Bamford Chas. Richd. Berry George Alton George Bamlett John Robinson Berry George Henry Anderson Alexander Banks George Henry Berry Thomas Wm. Anderson Harold Henry Banks Horace Berry Wilfred Anderson John Banks Robert Clark Bexfield A. Anderson Thomas Banwell Ernest J. Biller E.J. Anderson Walter L. Barber Edwin Bilton Joseph Frederick Andrews David Barff Robert Binning T. Stanley Andrews John William Barker Anthony Birch Alfred Andrews Joseph Shepherd Barker Joseph Birkenshaw Clarence Angel James Henry Barker Leonard Birkenshaw George Hornsby Angel John William Barker Septimus Birks Arthur Reginald Angel Richard Barker Thomas Birks Harold Victor Angles Robert Barnett Oswald Birss Donald Annis Billie Barrett William G.J. Blackwell Gerald Davies Anson Frederick William Barrowcliffe Herbert Blackwood James McGregor Archibald William Bartley George Blades Tom Armin Alexander Bartram Charles Edward Blair Alex. Armin William Barr John William Blakeley Harry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 2 Bloom Bert Brown Edward Butcher James William Blyth Robert Livingstone Brown Edward Butler Thomas Boagey George Brown Francis Buttery Thomas Boagey George Wm. Brown George W. Buttery James Henry Boddy Frederick William Brown Henry Walter Buxton Samuel L. Bolam Thomas Brown Jacob Bolton John William Brown James Edward Cable Richard Browning Bonnard Tom Brown John Caden Thomas Booth Edward Brown Joseph Calderwood Edward Henry Booth Francis Cecil Brown J.W.H. Calvert Reuben George Booth Fred S. Brown Thomas William Cambridge Leslie Booth Ralph Percival Brown Tom Cameron Malcolm Booth William Brown Walter Cammill A. Bootham William Brown Walters Cappleman Harold Borrett Percy Brown William Henry Carey William Henry Borthwick Matt. Browning Thomas Carlin Frank Boult R. Bruce Herbert Carling J. Boumphrey John George Bruce James Carpenter Jonathan Bousefield Joseph Bruce Robert William Carr Bernard Bower Wm. Harbron Brunton Jack Carr Edward Bowly James Alexander Bryan Robert Carr Julian Bowly Thos. Buchan Walter Thos. Carr Thomas Bowly T.S. Buckley Sydney Carroll Francis Bowman Arthur Edwin Bulman Tom Carroll John William Bowman James Arthur Bulmer Herbert Carter George Boyce William Henry Bulmer John Carter James Boyd Alex. Campbell Bunkall James Moir Carter Victor Boyd James Burdon Walter Robinson Cartwright John Robinson Boylan John Burke James Casebourne Rowland Telford Boyle James Burke John Caskie A.R. Bradley Albert Edward Burn Frederick John Cass Henry Bradley James Burn Henry Cass Percy Bradley Sydney Burns Joseph Cass Richard James Bradley William Burns Peter Cassell Samuel Bradley William Burnham Ernest Catterson Cuthbert Braithwaite Robert Burnham Norman Cave Henry Brattie George Burrell Matthew Chambers Chas. Gibbon Brennan James Burrell Thomas Chambers Wilfred Breward Walter Burroughs Harold Chambers William Briscoe Jas. Henry Burton H.G. Chapman Allison Brogan Edward Patrick Burton Robert Chapman George Brogan Thomas Jos. Burton Robert Chapman John Broom John James Busby Septimus Chappell Albert Broughton Bert Busfield Samuel Charles J.W. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 3 Charlton Louis Connelly A. Cunningham Stephen L. Charlton William Connelly Owen Cutter William James Cheney Stephen Hulme Conner John William Cherry Henry Connon Chas. William Dabbs Ebenezer Chesney Frank Dunning Cook Henry Warner Dale James William Chessman William Coomer Walter Dale Joseph Thompson Child William James Morrison Cooney James Dalkin John Christensen Carl Cooper Ernest Dalton John William Christison James Edwin Cooper John Lazarus Darling James Christopher John Robert Cooper William Darnell William Henry Clare Charles Copeland William Davidson James William Clark Edwin Thomas Copeman Alfred Davidson Vivian Thomas Clark Frederick James Corbett John William Davies F. Clark George Corbett Robert Davies Frank Clark John Allen Corner Thos. William Davies Joseph Clark Peter Costello Thomas Davies Thomas Clark Robert Proctor Cotson Harry Davis John Clark Thomas Coulson Charles Davison Albert Clarke Charles Stephen Coulson John Davison George Edward Clarke George Coulson Robert Davison J. Clarke John Coultas Frank Davison J.T. Clarke John Ellison Coverdale Arthur Davison R.W. Clarke William Dunning Coverdale Ernest Dawson Harry Clements Robert R. Coverdale Herbert Dearlove Frederick George Clements Sidney Coverdale Robert Deighton Joseph Clementson Richard Sotheran Coverdale Robert Dennis John William Clemitson R.H. Cowan Thomas Dennis John William Coates Alfred Cowley John James Dennison William Edwin Coates George William Cowling William Desborough Charles Cochrane John R. Cowtan George Desborough Frederick Cockrill Arthur Cowton Valentine Desborough Herbert Cockrill George Craggs John Robert Devine Cornelius Cockrill John Crawford Alexander Buchan Dickinson John Cockroft George Henry Crawford Duncan Brown Dickson James Henry Cole Richard Crilley James Dinsdale Albert Havelock Coleman Matthew Hutchinson Crooks Joseph Dinsdale Percy Coleman T.W. Crosby Ernest Dinsdale Thomas Collingwood A.W. Crosby J. Dix Charles Collins Frederick Crosby John Metcalfe Dixon Frank Collins George Crossing J.G. Dixon H. Collins Harry Crossman James Dixon Harold Percy Collins James Crosthwaite Sidney Dixon Willie Coltman Adamson Crowther John Thomas Dobson William Richmond Conlon Harry Cummins Valentine Docherty Harry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 4 Dodd Frederick Elvidge Edward (Ned) Foster Tom Dodd James Henry Emerson Mark Fothergill Herbert Dodgson Edmund Emerson Stanley Fowler Fred Dolman John Wm. Emery T.R. Fowler Richard Walker Dolphin William Emmerson Alfred Thomas Fowler William Donachie Robert English Frederick Fox Andrew Smith Donaghy Robert Smith English James Coverdale Fox John Doncaster Victor English Wilfrid Fox Thos. Henderson Donley John Joseph Etherington Tom Frank Ernest Arthur Donley William Stuart Evans Frederick Frank John George Donnison William Frankland Ernest Douglas Arthur Fairey Arthur Frankland Herbert Knowles Douglas Charles Eric Fairey George Frankland John Percy Douglas John James Falkingham Thomas Ernest Fraser R.D. Douglas Thomas Farmer Fredk. Charles Fretwell Thomas Ernest Dovaston Roland Farnsworth Ernest Fuller George Samuel Downes Mark Kirton Fawcett John Wm. Fuller Robert Downing George Albert Featherstone Ernest Victor Furlonger Henry Draper Harry Thos. Fennelly Joseph Drew Fredrick Fenton Jack Gaiety Robert Drew Joseph Fenwick Charles Gales Matthew Duffy James Fenwick William Gales R.H. Dunbavand Hubert Fergus Ralph Gamble J.C.F. Duncan William Ferguson Harry Gamble William John Dunn Alfred Ferguson John Alexander Garbutt Mark Dunn Frederick Ferguson Michael Garcia Arnold Dunn Laurence Ferris James Gardner Charles Duthie Joseph Waller Filby John Henry Gardner David Dyer Horace Fieldhouse Joseph Gardner Matthew Dyer Walter Fleetham Joseph Edward Gardner Matthew Fleming Thomas Gargett George Wm. Easby John Christopher Fletcher Frank Garland James Easby H. William Fletcher Stanley Garland John Ebden W. Flewker Harry Garrett James Ede William Flintoft J.S. Garrington Philip Edmenson Thomas Ford Arthur Llewellyn Gatenby John Edmundson Percy Fordham George Garthwaite Tiplady Egglestone Edward Forrest Ernest Gayford Arthur Frederick Elder Joseph Forster Arthur Geddes Hamilton Elemer William Forsyth James Geddes John William Ellerker John H. Fortune George Geipel William Elliott T. Fortune Stanley Welsh Gent Valentine Ellison George Foster Percy William George Frederick John Elstobb John Robert Foster Thos. Pearson Geraldie Antonie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 5 Gibbin William Groves William Harrison Benj. Joseph Gibson Gibbs John Guthe Cecil Rudolph Harrison Charles Henry Gibson Fred Innes Guthe Thomas Percival Harrison Herbert Foster Gibson Samuel Tweddell Gutridge Ernest Harrison H.G. Gilfoyle Thomas Gutridge George Harrison James B. Gill Ralph Gyllenspetz Carl Augustus Harrison Robert Walter Gillespie J.W. Harrison Will Gillies John Shaw Hadfield Ernest Harrison William Gillies William Hadfield John Thomas Harrison William Ernest Gillon Joseph Hails Christopher Francis Steel Hart George Gilmore Joseph Hall Bert Hart John Henry Gilmore Wm. Hall Charles Henry Hart Wm. James Gledden Joe Lowcock Hall David Hartley C.E Gleeson William Hall George Hartley Sam. Glen William Hall John Edward Harvey Charles Norman Glenn John Edward Hall John William Harvey James Glennie George Hall Thomas Harwood George W. Glennie Thomas Hall Thomas A. Hasker Edward Goddard John Hall Thomas Walker Haylock Thomas Herbert Goldsbrough John Edward Hall William Hauxwell Bruce Gollaglee James Hall William Ernest Hauxwell Stanley Goode John David Hamer David Hawkins Cecil Stephen Gooding Charles Ernest Hamilton Arthur Haywood Bertie John Gorrie John Hammill A. Haywood Herbert George Gough Sydney George Hand William Hazlewood Joseph Gould George Herbert Handisides Bert Heath John Herbert Gowland Thomas Handley Robert Hedley John Graham Robert Hansen Albert Hegarty Richard Granger John Thomas Hansom John James Henderson Ellis James Grant Edward Hardcastle Joseph Henderson John Hudson Graves William Hardy Frederick William Henderson Joseph Gray James Hardy Geo. Henry Hepburn John Grayley William Ernest Hargreaves C. Hepplewhite Ralph Greathead Clarence R Harker John Herbert Jas. Henry Green Walter Harker Tom Herbert John George Greenlees Howard Harland John Herbert Thomas Greenwell Henry Harnett William Heron John Greenwell Herbert H. Harper Harry Heron Robert Greig Percy Harper Thos. Deans Herring Robt. Grey James Ernest Harper William Heseltine John Edward Grey John Harriman J. Abel Heselton Geo. Robert Griffiths Henry Harrington Dennis Heslop John Wm. Groves Thomas Harris Joseph Hessler Jackie Kruse Muller Groves Thomas George Harrison Alfred Allan Hessler Jacob Andrew Norman ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 6 Hester John James Hudson J.R. Jackson J.W. Heweson Robert Hughes Fred Jackson Tom Hewitson George Huntley Hughes Michael Thomas Jacques William Lawson Hewitson John Hughes Peter James Bertram Hewitson William Hugill Leo. Joseph James Thomas Robert Hewitt F. Humphrey Harry Jarman Charles Higgins Charles Humphrey Taylor Jarman Walter Hill John Thomas Hunt J. Will. Jarrett Reginald Sydney Hill William Hunter Fredk. George Jayes R. Hodgson Frank Hunter George Frederick Jefferson Geo. Thos. Hodgson John Hunter John Eden Jefferson Thomas Henry Hodgson John Richard Hunter Walter Jeffries Frederick Hodgson Jonathan Hunton Joseph Jeffries William Hodgson Joseph Wm. Huntley James Lancelot Jenkins Bertram Hewitt Hodgson Philip Hurworth Frank H. Jenkins David Hodgson William Hurworth Henry S. Jenkins John Hoey David Muir Husband John James Jenkins Matthew Hogan John Hussey James Norman Jensen Frederick Morton Hogg Andrew Hutchinson Alfred Jensen Harry Hogg Martin Hutchinson Arnold Jobling Fred Holborn Harry Hutchinson Bert Jobling Harold Holburn Raymond Hutchinson Herbert Jobling Joseph Wm. Holden Alderman Oliver Hutchinson John Johnson Charles Holdforth Barton Grainger Hutchinson Thomas Johnson Charlie Hollender Thomas Hutley Robert Johnson Fred Holmes Henry Hutson Harold Johnson Joseph Henry Holmes James Hutton Oswald Johnson Reginald Cyril Holroyd Isaac Walter Hyde Arthur Johnson Robert Edward Holroyd Joseph Hyde Henry Martin Johnson Thomas Holroyd T. Johnson Tom Hood William Kingston Ilderton Albert Geo. Johnson William Hooper Robert Wm. Harrison Ingle John Johnson William Hope William Ingram John Henry Johnson William Thomas Hopps John Frank H. Ingram Harry Jolly Arthur Hord Charles Irvin Luke Pattison Jones Alfred Hornsey George Henry Irvine Chas. Knowles Jones Arthur Horseman A. Jones Bertram Horseman C.H. Jack Malcolm Jones Ernest Horsley John Jackson Albert Wm. Jones Frederick Horswell Albert Edward Jackson E.W. Jones Herbert Hotham George Norris Waite Jackson Frank Jones James Howe John Jackson Frederick Jones John Irvine Howells David John Jackson Herbert William Jones Joseph Howse Robert Duncan Jackson John Robert Jones Matthew J. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 7 Jones Reuben Large Frank Macfarlane Ian Cameron Jones Theophilus Larkin Alexander Graham Mack T. Prinn Jones Vivian Gwyn Larkin Peter Mackintosh Angus McLennan Jowesy Wm. Laughlin Thomas Michael MacLean Albert Joyce John Joseph Laurie William Maddison John Keatley Judson John West Lawn Geo. Frederick Madge John Frankland Lawrence Fred Maher James Keady Jack Lawson Ralph Herbert Mankin Wardle Kean Cuthbert Laydon Andrew Mann Thos. Bertie Keegan Thomas Leach Albert Markwell James Forsyth Keeley Joseph Lee Matthew Henry Marley J.B. Keeley Robert Lee Thomas Wynn Marr Joseph Keenan Thomas Leeming Frederick George Marsh Charles Kelly Joseph Patrick Leeming Sydney Martin Ernest Kelly Martin Lemon Thomas Martin William Kelly Samuel Leonard Henry Martin William James Kelsey Charles Levell Stanley Martindale Robert Kendall George Lewis F. Patrick Mason Ernest Kenmire Arthur Lewis George William Mason Frederick Kennedy Albert E. Lincoln Charles Benj. Mason George Henry Kent George H. Lindridge Wm. Thos. Mason Harry Louis Kiddell Sydney A. Lindsay William L. Mason Heseltine Kilpatrick James Linney Harry Mason John George Kilrain Edward Lipman Sam. Mason Richard King E.W. Lithgo Curzon C. Massam Samuel King John James Littlewood John Massey Harold Victor King William Lockwood John Mather George King William Lomasney Joseph Valentine Matterson James Kingston Joseph London Benjamin H. Matthews James Kingston Robert Lord John Robert Matthews John Robert Leslie Kirk John Louis Harry Matthews William Kirkby A. Lowcock William Joseph Maughan Joseph Kirtley James W. Lowe Herbert Maunder Charles Kitching Charles Reginald Lowe Thomas Benjamin Maunder Victor Knight Miles Lowes Thomas William Mawhinney George Knowlson William Lucas George Arthur Mawhinney Jack Lucas Joseph Mayes Richard William Laffin T. Lund Thomas Henry Mayson Frank Eric Hutton Laidler Robert Lupton Benjamin Mead Charles Lake Thomas Lynch Gilbert Edwin Mead Edward Lake William Robert Lynch James Mellor David Laking John Lynn John James Melville John Lambert Cecil Lyth John Merlin Alfred Carr Lambert T. Metcalfe Edmund ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 8 Metcalfe Edward Harwood Morris John Kneebon McGrory William Metcalfe George Morris Sydney Kneebon McHugh Niel Metcalfe John Charles Morrison Albert L. McHugh William Metcalfe Laurence Morrison Joseph McKie John Middlemas John George Morrison William McLaren William Middlemiss Thomas Morriss Sydney McLean Alfred Middleton David Morton Harry McLean Thomas Middleton George Ernest Morton J.E. McLoughlin John Middleton James Moult Mark Anthony McManus Martin Middleton Jas. Wm. Mudd D. McMorris James Middleton Thomas Mudd George Leonard Barnes McPartlin Miles Midgley John M. Muir John George Miller Isaac Muir William Neave W.G. Mills David Mullen Thomas Needham Herbert Ward Minto William Mullender William Nelson John Robert Mitchell G.E.D. Mullon Thomas Nelson Andrew Mitchell John Murphy Francis Joseph Nelson David Mitchell John Murray James Newcomb Oswald Aidan Mitchell John Robert Murray Percival William Newlove George Robinson Mitchell R.S. Murray Phillip Edwin Newlove Joseph Wm. Mitchell William Murray Thomas Newsham Richmond H. Moffitt George Thomas Musgrave Ralph Newton George William Montgomery Hugh Mutimer Bertram Newton Isaac Septimus Monument Arthur Newton Robert Moody J. McAndrew Frank Newton William Henry Moon Ernest McAndrew Richard Nicol James Moon Thomas Anthony McBay Robert William Nichols J.W. Moor William Wilson McBean John William Nicholson George Albert Moore Charles Herbert McCarthy Charles Henry Nicholson George Wm. Moore James Henry McCarthy Frederick Bensley Nicholson John Fletcher Moore John Thomas McCarthy Frederick Charles Nielson John Moore Ralph McCormack Henry Nilsson Geoffrey Burbank Moore Wilfred Howard McCormack Thomas Nisbet John Moorson George McCormack Thomas Nixon John Turnbull Moran John McCormack William Noble Albert Moran Peter McCreedy Robert Noble Chas. James Moran Thomas McCreedy Samuel Noble Ernest Mordaunt Charles McCulloch William Nolan Rutherford John Morgan Arthur McDonald H. Norman Robert Charles Morgan David McDonough Thomas Norris Robert Henry Morrell Arthur McFadden Joseph North Joseph Morrell Robert McGill Joseph Norton Joseph Morrigan Edward McGregor Francis Nossiter George Morris George Lewis McGrory Michael Nugent Michael ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 9 Nuttall George Parr Norman Edward Powell A.E. Parr T. Powell Edwin Stuart O‘Boyle James Patchcott Luke Prentice W.H. O‘Brien John Paterson Frank Prentice Wm. Hy. O‘Donovan Patrick Patterson Henry Pritchard Walter Reginald Oldfield John Henry Pattison Robert Procter Robert Oliver Fred Patten Edward James Proud Archibald Oliver John Paxton Cecil Proud James Olsson John Oscar Paxton George Harold Proverbs John James O‘Neil James Peach F.W. Pugh George O‘Neil Joseph Peacock Ernest Pugh William James O‘Neil William Peacock John George Pyman Allan Oram George Pearce Tom Ord Henry Pearson Ernest William Rafferty Edward Orley William Pearson George Raine William J. O‘Rorke Gregory Pearson William Cann Ramsbottom James O‘Rorke Herbert Peart Edward Ramsby Percival O‘Rourke Constantine Peat Harry Ramshaw Joseph Orwin George Noble Peat Joseph Randall John William Osbon Harry Peat William Rankin William Outhwaite James Peel Harry Ransome Charles Outhwaite Wilfred R. Peel James Frank Ramson Joseph Owbridge George Alfred Pendlington Richard Ratcliffe Albert Owen George Clifford Percival Frederick Rayment John Owen William Robert Perkins John George Rayment Richard Owh P. William Perry John Raynor T.H Oxley Henry Alfred Peters William Read George Henry Peverell Edward Readman Guy S. Pallett Matthew Smith Phillip John Redpath James H. Palmer Charles Henry Phillip William Redpath William Parker Charles Fethom Picken Robert Henry Redshaw Charles Henry Parker David William Pickering Francis Reed Albert Herbert Parker George Pickering Richard Reed Joseph Parker Jack Pike William Vincent Reed William Parker Sydney Gamlen Pinder John Reid Alexander Parkes Aaron Pinkney Charles Reinecker Frank Parkes John James Pitt William Michael Reinecker John Parkin Joseph Plaice Herbert Revely Edward Parkinson James Alfred Pollard Joseph Herbert Rhodes J. Parkinson John William Porritt Henry Rhodes Stanley C. Parkinson Oswald Porritt Thos Edward Richards Ernest Parnaby H.A. Porter Edward Richards John Henry Parr Andrew Porter Thomas Richardson George Parr Noel Geoffrey Pounder Frederick Richardson Jack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 10 Richardson John Alfred Russell Wm. Shires James Richardson John Robert Rutherford Edward Short Arthur Richardson John Robinson Ryan Henry Short Frank Richardson William Ryan John William Short George Henry Richmond Charles Usher Ryan Richard Short James Westell Richmond John Harold Shreeve John Richmond William Sage John Lee Percy Shreeve Thomas Robert Ridley Harry Salton William Kenneth Shute Ashley Riley Phillip Sanders George Edgar Siddell Thomas Risby Albert Sanders Richard William Simm Harold Roach Thomas Sanderson Henry Herbert Simpson Herbert Walker Roberts Henry Sawdon G.H. Simpson Preston Roberts John Scaling Walter Simpson Samuel Roberts Robert R. Scott Albert Simpson Thomas Thornton Roberts Wm. Scott Arthur Sinden William Thomas Robertson Robert Scott Benjamin Skelhorn James Robinson Arthur James Scott Bert Skelly Geo. Dunlop Robinson Eustace Dixon Sharper Scott Fred Skidmore William Dolan Robinson George Scott James Thomas Skinner George Robinson H. Scott John Richard Skinner John Robert Robinson John James Scrimshaw Jack Skirving William Russell Robinson Richard Scurrah Walter John Slater Herbert William Robinson Roland Selby Albert Smith A.B. Robinson Thomas Francis Selch Frederick William Smith Charles Enoch Robson Charles Sengelow Harold Smith Edwin Robson Newby Sewell John Joseph Smith Gilbert Barker Robson Robert Henry Sewell William Smith Hilton Albert Robson Robert Henry Sharp Alexander Smith John Henry Robson W. Sharp Robert Smith John James Robson William Sharpe Herbert Smith Joseph Henry Ross Donald Ord Shaul Walter Thomas Smith Robert Wm. Rowbotham Thomas Shaw George Albert Smith Sydney Rowland Thomas Lawson Shaw J. Arnold Smith Thomas Rowlands Harold Shaw Joseph Miller Smith Tom Rowlands William Sheeham Wm. Patrick Smith Wm. Rowley Francis Shepherd Ernest Smithwhite Ralph Rowntree Edward Hartley Shepherd George Smurthwaite Oscar Rowntree James Hy. Shepherd John James Smurthwaite Ralph Rumble Alfred Sherry Henry Smurthwaite Thomas Robson Rumsay F. Shield Robert Smythe Robert Rundle Alfred.I.B. Shields John William Snowball Herbert S. Rush John Shinton George Snowdon Herbert Russell A. Shippin William Snowdon William Hall Russell Matthew Shires Arthur Sollory George B. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 11 Sournal W. Stone William Henry Thomas William Uriah Souter James Stonehouse Wilson J. Thompson Edwin Spaldin Albert Edwin Storr William John Thompson F.M. Spalding Harry Street Henry James Thompson Harold John Sparshott John Strugnell George Collinson Thompson Herbert Sparke Charles Bertie Stubbs Wilfred Thompson Hugh McDonald Sparke Jas Stuart James Thompson James Sparke William Sudron Albert Thompson John Speedy Thos. Sudron John James Thompson John Richard Spence W.G. Suggitt Fred Thompson Ralph Spence William Suggitt Thomas Wm. Thompson Thomas Marshall Spencer John Edward Summerbell Alexander Thompson Walter Spilman Cantley Summerfield John Thompson Wilfred John Spindloe Frederick Harold Summerhill Jonathan William Thoren Ivar Spindloe Walter Summersgill Albert Thornton Albert Clennett Spink William Loynes Summersgill John Thornton E. Spouse J. Summersgill T.W. Thornton John William Spouse Mark Sutton Percy Villers Tierney Thomas Squires Frank Swales William Tilly Charles Wynn Staincliffe Charles Alexander Swalwell Joseph Tilly John Stanger J.H. Swanwick Eustace H. Tindale Benjamin Oswald Stather James Swift John Tindall William Steel John Wilfred Swinden Albert E. Tiplady William Redshaw Steel William Swinden Wm. Henry Tipp Thomas Wm. Steel William Sword Robert Todd Alfred Edwin Steerman David Sykes Henry Todd George Herbert Steerman John William Symons Arthur Tolchord William Steggar William James Tose Mark Stelling Albert Victor Tait Thomas Gowland Tose Robert Stenton Thomas P. Taylerson Robert Trubridge John Henry Stephen William Taylor Albert Victor Tunnell Oliver Stephens Robert Taylor Robert Bertram Turnbull Cuthbert Stephens William Taylor Roy Turnbull Francis Egerton Stephenson John William Taylor William Turnbull George Christopher Stevenson George Arthur Taylor William Turnbull James Luther Steward - Teece W. Turnbull R.A. Stewart Allan Temple George G. Turnbull Thomas Stockburn Arthur Temple Herbert Turnbull Thomas Emerson Stockburn Frederick Templeman George Edward Turnbull W. Stockton C.W. Templeman John James Turnbull William Stanley Luther Stoddart William Terring Harry Turner A.B. Stoker Robert Theaker Robert Brown Turner Herbert Deacon Stoker Robert Watson Thomas Robert William Tweddell Thomas Stoker Tom Thomas William Twizell Ralph Wm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel 12 Tye E.S. Weatherall William Henry Wilson Harold Tyreman Arthur Weatherill Albert Wilson John Robert Weatherill John Thomas Wilson Joseph Underhill C. Webber Charles Frederick Wilson Thomas Upton Robert Osmond Webster Thomas William Wilson Thomas Alfred Dale Usher J. Webster William Brantford Wilson Wm. Arnold Usherwood Barnes Weldrake Herbert Wayman Alfred Welford J.H. Winpenny Fredk. Enos Valks Alfred Wells Albert Garner Winship John Henry Varle A. Wells Robert Winship John Wm. Varey Alfred Wells Richard Abel Withy Basil Vawer A.E. Welsh William Ernest Witten Richard Arthur Vick Arnold Oughtred West Walter Wood Charles William Dollison J. Wetherell Frederick Wood Frank Wake George Wetherell Thomas Wood Harry Walker Granville Wheatman Benjamin Wood James Walker William B. White Alfred Arthur Wood Leon Wallace Edward White F.E. Woodruff John Wm. Wallace Joseph William White Frederick William Woodruff Wilfred Wallace Samuel White James Christopher Wormald Frederick George Wallace Samuel Sanders White Robert Henry Wormald James Waller Thomas William Whitehead Reginald Worstenholme John H.N. Walton Harold Wm. Whiteway Thomas Wright Albert Walton William Whitford John Wright Algernon Ward Alfred Whittaker William Wright Frank Ward Edward Whitton William Wilson Wright George Edward Ward J.M. Wightman Charles Wright Norman Gregory Ward Moss Wiley Robert Wright Thomas Rennie Ward Philip Wilkinson James Wyeth Bertie Ward Thomas William Wilkinson Smurthwaite Ward Willie Wilkinson Thomas Young Cyril Rutherford Moffat Wardman Stephen John Williams Arthur Ed. Young Robert Warnes Walter Williams John Young Tom Warren David Williams Percy Warren John James Williams William Arthur Watchman James Williamson E. Ernest Watkins Richard Williamson Tom Watson George Arthur Williamson Walter Watson James F. Willey Harry Clifford Watson Robert Willis Robert Henry Watson Reginald Geo. Willoughby John Watson Wm. Philip Willson Robert Wear William Wilson Francis James Weatherburn William George Wilson George Edwin
Grade II (England)
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Hartlepool Borough Council
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