Shildon War Memorial - Taken by JThomas (geograph) licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons License 06 Dec 2015
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
Shildon War Memorial - Taken by Simon Armstrong 01 Oct 2023
West view Back WW2 Names - Taken by James Pasby NEWMP 10 Feb 2024
North View WW1 names - Taken by James Pasby NEWMP 10 Feb 2024
Front View EAST - Taken by James Pasby NEWMP 10 Feb 2024
South View Note Extra name bottom LEFT added from ww1 - Taken by James Pasby NEWMP 10 Feb 2024
Reference WMO/173943
St John's Church
Church Street/Central Parade junction
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- Metal Bronze
- Stone Granite
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- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Korean War (1950-1953)
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Note the memorial reads 1955 not 1953.
At the entrance to St. John’s Churchyard. Front face See ye to it that these have not died in vain. In grateful remembrance of Shildon’s Glorious Dead 1914-1918 1939-1955 Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. ---------------------------------------------------- First Side panel Akers Albert E. Clark Charles Grundy Robert Alderson Gerald R. Claxton Fred Guy Harold Alderson Joseph H. Claxton George H. Hague Charles A. Alderson Thomas Cletheroe Albert Hall Fred Allison Joseph Coates, Frederick H. Hall George Anderson Alfred Coates Joseph Hancock Wilfred Applegarth John Coates Matthew Hancock W. Armitage David Coates Thomas Harbron Walter Atkinson Joseph Cockfield George Hardy Arthur Atkinson Walter Cockfield James Hardy Henry Bainbridge Ralph Coley Harold Harrison Henry Banham John A. Colling W.R. Hartley Amos Barlow Fred Collinson George Harwood Harold Bell Edwin A. Couper Alfred H. Harwood George Bell John R.M. Crack Percy Henderson Edward Bellwood Thomas Crawford George Hepples F. Best Zebedee Cree John Hind William P. Blanchard Arthur Crooks Norman E. Hird James Bland Braithwaite Cullen Lawrence Hodgson Albert W. Bolland R.W. Davies Charles Hodgson Ben Bowdon, John Davies Ernest Hodgson F.F. Bowe Albert H. Dennison Thomas Hodgson J.D. Bowes J. Dixon Jonah Hopps Arthur Bowran John J. Dobson Robert Hopps, John S. Bowser Arthur Dodds Alfred Howe George B. Brown James Doran Sidney Hughes John E. Brown Joseph Dowson William Hutchinson Edward Brown Matthias Eddy E. Ibbetson T. Brown George W. Elliott George R. Ingledew Thomas Brown Bert Elliott Joseph R. Ireland Arthur Bryant Fred Emmerson Thomas E. Jary G.W. Bundy H. Ewbank William Jefferson Percival Burton E.R. Fairbrass George Jenkins H. Burton J H. Firbank Thomas W. Jenkinson Edward Butcher L. Fitzgerald J. Johnson Walter Carter Herbert O.B. Fletcher Thomas Johnston Walter Carter Otto Fletcher Wigan Kavanagh Lionel Caygill Edward Foster H. Kavanagh Matthew Caygill Thomas Foster James Kell Matthew Chapman George W. Gallagher E. Kell Samuel H. Chapman John O. Gibbon John C. Kitching James Charlton Thomas Goldsborough J. Kitching Harry Chester Joseph Graham Alfred Kitching Walter Emmerson Thomas W. Greener Harry R. ---------------------------------------------------- Second side panel Laidlaw J. Peacock John S. Spensley. Harry Lawson Walter Peaker Robert Stanwix Arthur Liddle G.H. Pears Wm. Stanwix Harry N. Longstaffe Samuel Pearson George Stephenson Chris. Longthorne Edward Pearson H. Stephenson Harry Lumley Harold R. Pearson John Stewart Wm. MacDowell Alfred Pearson Joseph Stonehouse Thomas Magor G. Place Arthur Stonehouse Leonard Major E. Porter W.N. Storey Harold J. Malcolm Joseph W. Pounder Thomas Strophair F.W.S. Marsden N. Pratt J.W. Stout J. Martindale Stanley Preston Thomas Summerson T. Matthews J. Pybus R. Summers R.W. Matthews Patrick Raine Mark Sunter Albert Maughan E. Rammage Wm. Sykes George Mawson J.R. Laidlaw Reeve Sam L. Tarn James C. McKay Sydney Foster Richardson M. Taylor J.G. McNaughton Albert Rickaby George Taylor, Richard R. Metcalfe Albert Riley Charles Taylor W. Metcalfe Joseph W. Robinson Alfred Thompson Ernest N. Metcalfe Thomas Robinson Arthur Thirlaway Joseph Middlemass T.C. Robinson Ernest Todd Joseph Milburn E. Robinson Henry Trussler Herbert Milburn John T. Robinson John J. Trussler Sidney Mills Fred Robinson J.T. Tully Lancelot Moody Kenneth Robinson, P. Tyreman George W. Morland, Matthew Robinson, R. Vasey Albert Mudd Tom Robinson R. Henry Vasey Thomas Murphy J. Robson Ernest A. Wade George H. Murton R. Robson John Warrett John W. Neal George Robson Thomas W. Warne Percy Neesam G.W. Rowntree Christopher Watson Jacob W. Newby J. Sambrooke A.E. Watson Joseph M. Nixon J.G. Sayer T. Edwin Watson John H. Noddings Isaac Shafto T. Edward Watters Luke Offord William Smeddle G.R.G. Welburn Thomas Palmer T.A. Smedley J. Wheatley Ernest Parker Thomas Smith, David J. Whitehead J. Parkin Arthur Smith Wm. M. Wick Thomas W. Parkinson William Smith Cresswell Williamson James Parsley Norman Smith G. Wilson Joseph Pattinson, R. Smurthwaite B.B. Wilson W.R. Pawson Walter Snowden Wilfred Woodward Robert H. Peacock Arthur Solomon Edwin Young James C. Peacock George Sowerby T. Young John W. ----------------------------------------------------. Rear 1939-1955 Aisbitt, Thomas J. Lawton, Harry Allinson, David Dowson Lishman, Stanley Anderson, Harold Lowther, Maurice William Appleby, Thomas Martin, Joseph Arnold, Fred McGuire, Richard Ayre, James Metcalfe, John Robert Baines, John William Million, Peter Barnett, Ronald R. Mitford, Algernon Montague Barratt, Richard Moody, Thomas Walton Beddingfield, William Moore, Fred Charles Bell, Percy Morris, John Bellis, Robert Murphy, John P. Bennett, Thomas Wilfred Nicholson, Esmond Bennett, William Owens, Vivien Blackett, George Parker, Frank Ernest Blake, Alan Pearce, Harold Edgar Bowden, Thomas Pearson, William Bowron, John William Pilson, Ronald Brown, Frank Colin Pooley, Derek Brown, William Pounder, William Buck, Arthur Priestley, Robert Buckman, Charles Raine, George Burdon, John Raisbeck, Kenneth Burnside, Alfred Reece, Leonard Calland, Jack Ridley, John Esmond Calvert, Wilfred Riley, Walter Print Cheesbrough, John Robinson, Cyril Chetwynd, Samuel E. Robinson, Ralph Clarke, Edward Robinson, Stanley Clarkson, George William Robson, Joseph Close, Sidney Robson, Robert W. Coates, James Arthur Rodgers, Sidney Coates, Joseph Chester Saunders, James Cocksey, John H. Scott, James Walter Collinson, Reuben Shields, Joseph A. Cottingham, Ronald Smith, Sidney Cutchie, John William Smith, Thomas Edward Dawson, John James Sowerby, Derek Daykin, John Edward Spowart, Edward Deaton, Ernest Stabler, Jim Dixon, John Stephenson, John David Dodds, G. Roger Stobart, James Albert Dowson, Norman Stoddart, William Stanley Dunnington, Albert Stubbs, Robert William Elders, Arthur Sunter, Arnold Elgey, Ralph Tarn, George Entwistle, Robert Tarn, Thomas Foote, Norman Topham, Thomas Walter Forster, William Wade, Thomas Foster, Laurence Walker, Arnold Furness, Frederick Walker, Arthur Goodburn, George Walker, Arthur Graham, Frank Walsh, Harold Gregg, John Henry Ward, Lewis Hatfield, Dorothy Ware, Robert P. Hebden, Len Watcham, Eric Henderson, Robert William Watson, John Thomas Highfield, Edward Weatherell, Harry S. Holme, Charles Arthur White, Dennis Holmes, Anthony White, Norman Hordon, Ernest White, William Huck, Leslie Wilkinson, Dennis Huntington, John Edward Williams, Joseph Jackson, William James Wilson, Arthur Jeffery, Thomas Wilson, John Edward Kirby, Peter Wood, Esmond Lack, Robert Henry Wykes, Clifford Langford, Harry Young, James Cameron. Added later Holmes, Thomas ------------------------------------------------------------------- The 1914-18 Memorial Unveiling Programme lists the names as follows: Akers, Albert Edwin Coates, Joseph Haig, Charles Alderson, Francis Coates, Matthew Hall, Fred. Alderson, Joseph Henry Coates, Thomas Hall, George Alderson, Thomas Cockfield, George Hancock, Wilfred Allison, Joseph Cockfield, James Hancock, W. Anderson, Alfred Coley, Harold Harbron, Walter Applegarth, John Colling, Wm.R. Hardy, Arthur Armitage, David Collinson, George Hardy, Henry Atkinson, Joseph Cooper, Alfred Henry Harrison, Henry Atkinson, Walter Crack, Percy Hartley, Amos Crawford, George Harwood, Harold Cree, John Harwood, George Crooks, Norman Ernest Henderson, Edward Bainbridge, Ralph Cullen, Lawrence Hepples, F. Banham, John A. Hind, Wm. P. Barlow, Fred. Hird, James Bell, Edwin A. Hodgson, Albert W. Bell, John Robt.M. Davies, Charles Hodgson, Ben. Bellwood, Thomas Davies, Ernest Hodgson, F.F. Best, Zebedee Dennison, Thomas Hodgson, J.D. Blanchard, Arthur Dixon, Jonah Hopps, Arthur Bland, Braithwaite Dobson, Robert Hopps, Jas. Samuel Bolland, R.W. Dodds, Alfred Howe, George B. Bowe, Albert Henry Doran, Sidney Hughes, John E. Bowes, J. Dowson, William Hutchinson, Edward Bowran, John James Bowser, Arthur Brown, James Brown, Joseph Eddy, E. Brown, Matthias Elliott, Geo. Robert Ibbetson, T. Brown, Geo. Wm. Elliott, Joseph Robert Ingledew, Thomas Brown, Bert Emmerson, Thos. Edward Ireland, Arthur Bryant, Fred. Ewbank, William Bundy, H. Burton, E.R. Burton, J.H. Butcher, L. Fairbrass, George Jary, G,W. Firbank, Thos.Wm. Jenkins, H. Fitzgerald, J. Jenkinson, Edward Fletcher, Thomas Johnson, Walter Carter, Herbert, O.B. Fletcher, Wigan Johnson, Walter Carter, Otto Foster, H. Caygill, Thomas Chapman, Geo. Wm Champman, James O. Charlton, Thomas Gallagher, E. Kavanagh, Lionel Chester, Joseph Gibbon, John C. Kavanagh, Matthew Clark, Charles Goldsborough J. Kell, Matthew Claxton, Fred Graham, Alfred Kell, Samuel H. Claxton, Geo. Henry Greener, Harry R. Kitching, James Cletheroe, Albert Grundy, Robert Kitching, Harry Coates, Fredk. Herbert Guy, Harold Kitching, Walter Laidlaw, J. Peacock, Arthur Stanwix, Harry N. Lawson, Walter Peacock, George Stephenson, Chris. Liddle, G.H. Peacock, John S. Stephenson, Harry Longstaffe, Samuel Peaker, Robert Stewart, Wm. Longthorne, Edward Pears, Wm. Stonehouse, Thos. D. Lumley, Harold Robt. Pearson, George Stonehouse, Leonard Pearson, H. Storey, Harold J. Pearson, John Strophair, F.W.S. Pearson, Joseph Stout, J. MacDowell, Alfred Place, Arthur Summerson, T. Magor, G. Porter, W.N. Summers, R.W. Major, E. Pounder, Thos. Sunter, Albert Malcolm, Joseph Wm. Pratt, J.W. Sykes, Geo. Marsden, N. Preston, Thos. Martindale, Stanley Pybus, R. Matthews, J. Matthews, Patrick Maughan, E. Tarn, James C. Mawson, J.R. Laidlaw Taylor, J.G. McKay, Foster Raine, Mark Taylor, Richard R. McNaughton, Albert Rammage, Wm. Thompson, Ernest N. Metcalfe, Arthur Reeve, Sam. L. Thirlaway, Joseph Metcalfe, Joseph Wm. Richardson, M. Todd, Joseph Metcalfe, Thomas Rickaby, George Trussler, Herbert Middlemass, T.C. Riley, Charles Trussler, Sidney Milburn, E. Robinson, Alfred Tully, Lancelot Milburn, John Thos. Robinson, Arthur Tyreman, George W. Mills, Fred. Robinson, Ernest Moody, Kenneth Robinson, Henry Morland, Matthew Robinson, J.T. Mudd, Tom. Robinson, P. Murphy, J. Robinson, R. Vasey, Albert Murton, R. Robinson, Rd. Henry Vasey, Thomas Robson, Ernest A. Robson, John Robson, Thos. W. Rowntree, Christopher Neal, George Wappett, John Wm. Neesam, C.W. Warne, Percy Newby, J. Watson, Jacob W. Nixon, J.G. Watson, Joseph Matt. Noddings, Isaac Sambrooke, A.E. Watson, John Harold Sayer, Thos. Edward Watters, Luke Shafto, Thos. Edward Welburn, Thos. Smeddle, G.R.G. Wheatley, Ernest Smedley, J. Whitehead, J. Offord, William Smith, David J. Wick, Thos. Wm Smith, W.M. Williamson, James Smith, Cresswell Wilson, Joseph Smith, G. Wilson, W.P. Palmer, T.A. Smurthwaite, B.B. Woodward, Robt. Hy. Parker, Thomas. Snowden, Wilfred. Parkin, Arthur Solomon, Edwin Parsley, Norman Sowerby, T. Pattinson, Robt. Spensley, Harry Young, James C. Pawson, Walter Stanwix, Arthur Young, John Wm. NamesS122.02 from NEWMP 2024.
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