Southend High School for Boys

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Reference WMO/174014


Prittlewell Chase




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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Inside a building - public/private
Description: Board/Plaque/ Tablet
  • Timber Timber (any)
Lettering: Painted
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
About the memorial: It is in good condition, at the rear of Southend High School for Boys' main school hall. It records lives lost by old boys of the school, who fought in either WW1 or WW2. Mrs lesley Iles wrote an exhaustive compendium (2008, 'They Rest From Their Labours') of the life stories of those lads who were lost in WW1 from the school
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For the WW1 side it is 'They Rest From Their Labours'. For the WW2 side it is 'And Their Name Liveth For Evermore'.

For the WW1 side (rear left of the hall), in alphabetical order (excluding middle names): Charles Ablin, Harold Alder, Edward Anderson, James Arrol, Stanley Attwood, Ernest Austing, Clare Avery, Benjamin Baker, Frederick Beard, Arthur Beeton, Arthur Begernie, Edward Bendix, Gordon Benfield, William Berry, Frank Blackwell, Phillip Bolt, Henry Boughey, Arthur Bowring, Percy Boyle, Stanley Bradley, Joseph Bright, George Browne, William Bruce, Sydney Bryan, Cecil Cattell, William Chignell, Robert Child, Arthur Clark, Frederick Clow, Clarence Cockerill, Theodore Cox, Albert Crane, Wilfred Crew, Percy Dines, Geoffrey Dowling, Thomas Dowsett, Herbert Dudley, Alexander Dunkley, Eric Dunlop, Laurence Edwards, Harold Ewings, Solomon Fine, Archibald Finlay, Thomas Flavell, Reginald Frith, Edgar Fryer, Henry Fuller, Clement Groombridge, Francis Harper, Stanley Haves, Donald Hicklenton, Paul Hilleard, Richard Hillman, Edwin Hockey, Leonard Hymas, Francis Hydrons, Louis Isnardi-Bruno, Edward Jackson, Stanley Jackson, Percy Jeffery, Stanley Jenner, Godfrey Johnson, George Keer, Roy Kemp, Walter Kershaw, Herbert King, Albert Klemp, Frederick Libbs, Herbert Mabbs, Alec MacKenzie, Harold Mackie, Charles Mann, Harry McCreary, John Mead, Frank Mott, Percy Nancarrow, William O'Brien, Frank Osborne, John Palmer, Leslie Palmer, Reginald Perfect, Albert Porter, Ernest Porter, Laurence Raby, Leo/n Ramuz, Reginald Rayner, Sidney Roberts, Phillip Sayers, Harold Scott, Charles Sears, William Sharpe, Edward Sims, Arthur Smith, Leonard Smith, Raymond Smithers, Bernard Sorrell, Leslie Squire, Walter Stanesby, Henry Stone, Kenneth Vidler, George Ward, Raymond Warlters, Edward Warman, Dudley Weare, Cecil Willis, Stanley Winkley, and Alan Wright. Names on the WW2 memorial, to the rear right of the main hall, in alphabetical order (not including midle names) are: LH Adams, Norman Allen, Keith Andrews, William Archer, Raymond Bailey, William, Cecil Baker, George Baker, Cyril Barlow, Paul Bayliss, John Beckett, Joseph Beehag, Spencer Belton, Donald Bennett, Norman Birch, John Black, Jack Blair, Reginald Brearley, Lionel Burbridge, Reginald Bussell, Alan Camp, Geoffrey Camp, William Cannon, Frederick Carter, Stuart Castle, Ian Clenshaw, Daniel Cohen, Ronald Cooper, Clarence Copeland, Basil Creasy, Frederick Davidson, Terrence Dodwell, Raymond Drower, Dennis Evans, Percy Eve, Albert Brown (out of alphabetical order on the memorial!), Edward Fisher, Denys Floyd, Jeffrey Garnish, Eric Garrad, Philip Gentry, Edward Gibbs, Reginald Gibson, Kenneth Gillard, Ronald Greenfield, Sydney Guiver, George Hall, Herbert Harniman, Dennis Harvey, Reginald Hayes, Charles Hazel, Henry Helmore, Jack Hillings, Stanley Hitchcock, Victor Hobbs, Jack Holme, Leonard Holmes, Dennis Hopkins, Eric Howes, Francis Hudson, Reginald Hudson, Thomas Johnston, Frank Jolly, Anthony Jones, Alfred Jordan, Marcus Kramer, Donald Larkman, John Leitch, Neville Lloyd, Robert Lovell, Clifford Lewis, Cecil Marsh, Donald Marsh, Harold Marshall, Roy Mays, Peter Monk, Sidney Moore, Cleveland Moss, Thomas Newton, Maurice Nichols, Spencer Norton, Thomas Nugent, Douglas Oates, Thomas O'Halloran, Alan Overall, Norman Palmer, Ernest Parke, Leslie Parkins, Samuel Payne, Alan Pearce, Anthony Pears, Cyril Phillips, Peter Phillips, Geoffrey Player, Geoffrey Pledger, Eric Porter, Ronald Potter, Kenneth Pritchard, Sidney Rees, Victor Rendell, Douglad Reynolds, Deryck Rivett, Henry Rolph, Sidney Rosen, Alfred Rutherford, Ronald Ryall, Lester Sanders, Andrew Scott, Douglas Scurrey, Herbert Skeats, Desmond Skinner, Denis Smith, Donald Smith, Geoffrey Smith, Leopold Smith, Geoffrey Startin, Richard Stephenson, Albert Stringer, William Stubbs, Stanley Taylor, Gordon Temple, Walter Termehr, Victor Theedom, D. Thorne, William Tibbles, John Townsend, Donald Treadwell, Albert Watts, Robert Watts, Leonard Webb, Peter Webb, Douglas Welbourn, Vernon Wheeler, Richard Wilkins, Edwin Williams, George Wimble, George Wintle, Arthur Wright, and Peter Young. In the aforementioned book by lesley Iles, several boys who died in WWI are recorded as having attended the school, but (probably due to administrative oversights in the first half of the 20th century) as not having been recorded on the final war memorial. They are Geoffrey Emmett and Francis Soal. Also note that, unusually, Louis Isnardi-Bruno died in WW1 fighting for Italy.

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