WW1 memorial with names added for WW2 - Taken by Wandsworth Council 20 Jun 2014
Inset mosaic - Taken by Wandsworth Council 20 Jun 2014
St. George and the Dragon - Taken by Wandsworth Council 20 Jun 2014
St Luke's War Memorials - Taken by David 17 Sep 2021
Reference WMO/177591
Edit memorial name, location & address- Stone Alabaster
- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
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Their name liveth for evermore. To God, giver of victory and to the honoured memory of men of this parish who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914-1919. Additionally there are ten members of the Armed Forces who lost their lives in the Second World War 1939-1946. St Luke’s War Memorials (Battersea) On the south side of the church, opposite the north entrance, there are Memorials to the Fallen in both World Wars. Between 1914 and 1918 a wooden ‘Roll of Honour’ board had been erected in the same place that the memorial board is today, where the names of those who had fallen were added., towards the end of the war. By November 1917 it needed to be enlarged. In April 1919 an appeal was launched at St Luke’s for a permanent memorial and it was agreed to include all parishioners. The £250 estimated cost of the memorial was raised within two months, but the first drawings showed that it would be possible to include Christian names as well as initials with only a modest increase in costs. The appeal was principally directed towards those who had not lost relatives but was not confined to them. The War Memorials The names include those who had lived or had some connection with the parish, attended schools, worked either in the City or locally and then went off to fight. 134 men died in WW1 and 14 in WW2. Virtually every street lost at least one relative. Their graves can be found in Commonwealth War Graves in Passchendaele (Tyne Cot), the Somme (Thiepval), the Dardanelles/Gallipoli (Helles, in present day Turkey) and even Jerusalem and East Africa. Many had been baptised in St Luke’s or their parents had been married there and were known personally to John and Charles Erskine Clarke. The majority were young who had joined up to serve King and Country earning well deserved medals. A number died at home of the war wounds and there were a few who died as a result of the Spanish Flu pandemic, which took such a toll globally as today. The names on the war memorial were read out every Armistice Day at St Luke’s until at least 1930. Those who died in WW2 are scattered more widely in Europe and the Far East in a different kind of war in the air and the sea. A number of those descendants are in touch with St Luke’s today, including via the genealogical sites at Ancestry. Three members of the parish carried out considerable research on all the names recorded on the Memorial as part of the centennial commemorations of the First World War and highlights were presented at the Remembrance Day service in 2018. Some families have as many as three names on the Memorial and many poignant stories were uncovered. There was a silk trader who has no war record himself but provided invaluable silk messages to families to be sent to the troops. During WW1 silk postcards and handkerchiefs were bought as souvenirs by soldiers who served on the front line. They are still collectible items today. It is hoped that this research will be made available in due course through the St Luke’s website.
Douglas R.G.P. Alldridge, Lawrence John M. Allen, Percy Oswald R. Anderson, John Frederick Armstrong, James Mervyn Attlee, Harry Mason Barber, Arthur Charles Batchelor, Reginald William Batchelor, Stanley Maurice Bates, Arthur Sunderland Baxter, Frederick John Berry, Benjamin Henry Bourne, Charles Frederick Brooks, Charles Frederick Browne, Sidney H. & Frederick O. Bryant, Arthur George Bullen, Frederick Henry Burchett, William Arthur Butlin, Percival William C. Campbell, George Alfred Chambers, Arthur Ernest Chandler, Walter George Chandler, William George Charles, Frederick Charleston, Arthur Reginald Chorley, Ernest Charles Comber, Albert Edward Collins, Stanley Arthur Connolly, Edgar Ernest Coventry, Walter William Crook, William Williy Cunningham, Wilfred Percy Damer, Frederick Charles Dorking, Arthur Ellington, George Howard Elliott, Walter Burton Evans, William H. Evans, Charles Herbert Farmer, Victor Edward Foot, Henry Blake Foster, Allen Lionel Freaker, Edward Frank Funston, Leonard Archibald Goddard, Robert Mackie Goepel, Arthur Lee Granger, Frederick Green, Arthur Palmer Halcrow, Walter Edward Hancock, Frederick George Hastings, Reginald Hayes, Albert Ernest Hazzard, Claude Annesley Hine, Frederick William E. Hoare, Frank Charles James, Lionel Johns, Henry John Jones, Arthur John Joyce, Frank Ashton Lane, William Owen Ernest Lester, Gordon Hounslow Lindsay, Philip Stanley Luce, Kenneth Brandon Martin, Charles William Masters, Alexander Henry McIntosh, George Edwin Meredew, Harold Bertram Mountain & Arthur Everett Mountain, Graham Dunmore Murray, Herbert John Mussell, William George L. Newell, Albert Newnham, Frederick William Northam, Edward George Oldring, Cecil Leonard Palmer & Stanley Victor Palmer, Henry Maysmor Parry & Noel Llewellyn Parry, William Edwin Parsons, Alexander Frederick Paterson, George Douglas Paterson, Albert Arthur Pine, Leonard John J. Price & Arthur Harold Price, William George Prior, John Charles Pullin, Jesse William Ranson, John Ernest V. Rathbone, Harry Read, Alan Thomas Reed, Ernest Frederick Reekes & Francis Henry Reekes, Frank Rendles, Albert Frank Robson, Thomas Rose, Ernest Henry Salter, Stanley Sandford, Elvin Alfred Scott & Walter Elvin Scott, Bryan Scurfield, Frank William Skinner, Thomas John Southey, Walter George Spencer, Frank Herbert Sprigge & Ralph Abner Sprigge, Sydney Edgar Stanley, Cecil George Starr, Arthur Rutherford Stocker, Alfred Ernest Stone, Thomas H. Stupple, Leslie Eaton Terry, Edward William M. Thompson, Harold Thompson, Ernest Francis Turton, John Charles Vince, Arthur Henry Vizard & Ernest Cyril Vizard, Alfred George Wade, Charles Baldwin Wake, Ernest George Walker, Leonard Charles Watts, Gerald William West, William John Westwood, Alfred Henry Wilde, Lionel H.T. Williams, Charles Sutton C. Wilson, Robert Philip Wilson, Cecil Keith Foyle Wright And in the World War of 1939-1945 Tom C.E. Bottomley, Herbert E. Purnell, Howard Arthur James, Arthur Taunton Reekes, John Savory, F. Malcolm Sutcliffe, Eric Bance, Edward Beechy, Robert Beveridge, Jack Brock, Colin Gray, Frank Green, Thomas Harris (Priest), Sydney Hobbs, Richard Holloway, Ivor Jackson, Leonard Manchip, Kenneth Stone, Jack Weaver, Ralph Whitrow (Priest)
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