Enniskillen Boer War Memorial following restoration in 2014 - Taken by The Inniskillings Museum 02 Aug 2014
Enniskillen Boer War Memorial east facade - Taken by The Inniskillings Museum 02 Aug 2014
Boer War Memorial Enniskillen - Taken by Ray Spence 20 Aug 2014
Boer War Memorial Enniskillen - Taken by Ray Spence 20 Aug 2014
one of the side panels - Taken by ray spence 20 Aug 2014
anotrher side of the memorial that needs restoring - Taken by Ray Spence 20 Aug 2014
Enniskillen Boer war obelisk - Taken by War Memorials Trust 20 Sep 2016
Enniskillen plinth - Taken by War Memorials Trust 20 Sep 2016
Enniskillen Boer War Memorial - Taken by Chris Reynolds 24 Jun 2018
Enniskillen Boer War Memorial - Taken by Chris Reynolds 24 Jun 2018
Enniskillen Boer War Memorial - Taken by Chris Reynolds 24 Jun 2018
Enniskillen Boer War Memorial - Taken by Chris Reynolds 24 Jun 2018
Reference WMO/182224
War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.
- Stone Granite
- Boer War, Second (1899-1902)
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In honoured memory of 21 Officers, 47 Non Commissioned Officers and 215 Men of the 6th Inniskillings Dragoons and Royal Inniskillings Fusiliers who sustained thye great reputation of these distinguished regiments for prowess in arms and devotion to their sovereigns and country, and fell in battle or died of wounds or sickness in South Africa 1899-1902
6th Inniskillings DragoonsCaptain Jackson, Lt`s Lawlor, Meek Dent, Swanston Oliver Sgt Major Crew and Harewood Sgts Blevin, Fisher, Sales, Senley Woods Dead in Boer War Ist Battalion Inniskilling Fusiliers Lt Col T M G THACKERLEY Maj R S SANDERS Major F W CHARLEY Capt L W D GIBTON Capt D MacLACHLEN Capt F L LOFTUS Lt O W MORLEY Lt J T LOWRY Lt W O STUART Lt R A CHALONER Lt C J R WALKER 2 Lt S H HUTTON 2 Lt A R MILLER Sgt Major J J BROWN Sgt W BINFIELD Sgt H EVERETT Sgt J GILLAND Sgt A CLARKE Sgt J HARRISON Sgt I KELAND Sgt R MOONEY Sgt J McCHEF Sgt E RODGERS Sgt H C TURNER Sgt R WYLIE Sgt A J WINDRUM Sgt T WRIGHT Sgt T WATTERS Sgt I HOOD Cpl R CLARKE Cpl J FLYNN Cpl J C PARKER Cpl J WYTH LCpl JA BRIDGETT LCpl T L BOURKE LCpl W DEVLIN LCpl S DOBBIN LCpl H FITZSIMMONS LCpl J GALLAGHER LCpl T G HILLAN LCpl T KELLY LCpl J MULLAN LCpl J WALLACE LCpl H WATSON LCpl M E WHITE Pte C E CLARKE Pte C BARRY Pte J BROWN Pte M BURNS Pte W BARRETT Pte J CALLAN Pte C CAMPBELL Pte J CAMPBELL Pte J CAMPBELL Pte C COLLINS Pte J CRAWLEY Pte J CUBBINSON Pte J CURRAN Pte G CULLY Pte W COTTER Pte J CLARKE Pte J DARLEY Pte W DEVENNEY Pte P DEVENEY Pte I DEVLIN Pte D DOHERTY Pte W DONNEGAN Pte N DOUGHERTY Pte C DOWDS Pte A DAWSON Pte W J ESPEY Pte J EARNEN Pte J FEELEY Pte E GALLAGHER Pte T GOODNEAN Pte D GUY Pte J GILMORE Pte W J GORDON Pte J GOURLEY Pte R HAMILTON Pte C HAMPSEY Pte J HENDERSON Pte J HICKEY Pte W HILL Pte M HUGHES Pte J HUMPHRIES Pte J HYNDSMAN] Pte W HILLIER Pte W IRWIN Pte W J JONES Pte J JOYCE Pte P KAVANAGH Pte M KAVANAGH Pte M KAVANAGH Pte J KEEGAN Pte M KENNEDY Pte D KINCAID Pte D KELLY Pte C LINTON Pte H LEITH Pte D LEAHY Pte J MOOREHEAD Pte J MORRISON Pte T MULLIN Pte A MAGEE Pte R MULLHOLLAND Pte J MEEHAN Pte R MAHONEY Pte T MOORE Pte J MOORE Pte J MALONE Pte J MAGUIRE Pte A MOLLOY Pte C MURPHY Pte W MULLDOON Pte JS McCUIRE Pte J McGIFFIN Pte T McAVINNEY Pte J McCORMICK Pte A McGINTY Pte J McQUINN Pte R McSHANE Pte J McMANUS Pte J McMANUS Pte McCAULEY Pte J McMULLAN Pte J McGARRY Pte T McMANUS Pte R McEVOY Pte T McGUIRE Pte S McBRIARS Pte J McDAID Pte P McDOWALL Pte P McCRAITH Pte J McCLELLAND Pte J McGARTEN Pte L NASH Pte C NESBITT Pte NOBLE Pte W DIXON Pte B O`LOAN Pte W O`BRIEN Pte W J OWENS Pte J O`BRIEN Pte F PAYNE Pte C J POULTON Pte S PRIOR Pte F QUINN Pte T QUINN Pte J ROWE Pte R ROBINSON Pte P REYNOLDS Pte J RALEIGH Pte R ROWE ` Pte J SHERIDAN Pte W SMITH Pte J SINGLETON Pte A SMYTH Pte S SKELLY Pte O SOMERS Pte T TIERNEY Pte E THORNTON Pte R TAIHACE Pte J TINNEY Pte W H WALKER Pte P WILLIAMS Pte W WRIGHT Pte J WADSWORTH Pte T WALSH Pte J WRIGHT Pte C WEIR Pte J WHITEHOUSE Pte J WALLACE Boy R H ARTHUR Drummer J DILLON 2nd Batt Inniskillings Fusiliers Lt N H LINCOLN 3rd Batt (Fermanagh) Inniskillings Fusiliers LT A H BULL Sgt W BROWN Pte W ARMSTRONG Pte W BURNETT Pte D CRAIC Pte J CASSIDY Pte H CAULFIELD Pte D HENDERSON Pte R MILLIGAN Pte W McCARRY Pte W NOLAN Pte A ORR Pte J OWENS Pte D TYRE 4TH Batt (Tyrone) Innsikilling Fusiliers Pte J BAXTER Pte P DEVENNEY Pte C LOUGHRAN Pte J McCREADY Pte J QUINN Pte J BAIRD Pte D KEEGAN 5TH batt (Donegal) Inniskillings Fusiliers Pte W BRENNAN Pte J CALLAGHER Pte W GARDINER Pte J McBRIDE Pte J MEEHAN Pte H QUINN Cpls Coleman, Grattage, Karl, Keel, Mead and Patterson Pte`s Barnes, Barrett, Bedwell, Blakeman, Burge, Burke, Burnett, Clark, Dabbs, Dalziel, Darby, Davidson, Day, Dixon, Douglas, Dow, Durrant, Fearn, Flynn, Garlick, E J Gardiner, Gardner, Geraghty, Hamill, Hancox, Hilston, Hopkins, Hutchins, Jackson, James, Jeffries, Jones, Karberry, Kemp, Kilpatrick, Lane, Larkin, Lawrence, Love, Mobbs, McClintock, McConnell, McGeoghan, McLeary, O`Brien, Ormston, Palmer, Postins, Powley, Prentice, Quinlan, Reading, Salter, Seton, Smith, Stafford, Stanley, Termain, Ventham, Ward, Webster
B1 (Northern Ireland)
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