The head of the Maiwand Lion showing the tongue (which people often say is not there) - Taken by Reading Borough Council 03 May 2006
Reading (Lion) 0001 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0001 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0003 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0004 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0005 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0006 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0007 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0008 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reading (Lion) 0009 - Taken by David Larkin 14 Jul 2014
Reference WMO/187164
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This monument records the names and commemorates the valour of XI officers and CCCXVIII non-commissioned officers and men of the LXVI Berkshire Regiment who gave their lives for their country at Girishk, Maiwand and Kandahar, and during the Afghan Campaign 1879-1880 'History does not afford any grander or finer instance of gallantry and devotion to Queen and Country than that displayed by the LXVI Regiment at the Battle of Maiwand, on the 27th. July 1880'-Despatch of General Primrose./ Erected in 1884 by residents in Berkshire and by the comrades and friends of those whose names are here recorded
Grade II (England)
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Reading Borough Council