South Staffordshire Regimental Memorial

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Reference WMO/220085


Parade Square

Whittington Barracks



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War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.

Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Obelisk
  • Stone Portland stone
Lettering: Incised
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: War memorial unveiled in 1922 and dedicated to the South Staffordshire Regiment. The Portland stone war memorial includes a square triple stepped plinth, with pedestal surmounted by a square column with a single vertical groove in the centre of each face. On the top of the column is a triple stepped pyramid carrying a bronze sphinx. The NE facing pedestal base dado bears the inscription "THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED AS A RECORD OF THE WAR SERVICE OF THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE REGIMENT IN ITS MANY CAMPAIGNS AND TO COMMEMORATE THE SERVING TOGETHER OF ITS LINE SPECIAL RESERVE TERRITORIAL SERVICE AND GARRISON BATTALIONS IN THE GREAT WAR OF 1914-1918. AND THE WORLD WAR 1939-1945." The NW facing pedestal dado bears a list of 13 campaigns ranging in date from Guadaloupe in 1759 to South Africa in 1900-02. Attached to the south west facing pedestal dado is the regimental insignia consisting of crown above a twisted length of rope and banner with the name of the regiment below. The SE pedestal dado is inscribed with the names of over 50 First World War battles and areas of conflict with which the regiment was involved. Details of World War II campaigns are inscribed on the lower part of the dado. c Historic England listing entry
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Grade II (England)


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