Wednesbury Memorial Gardens

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Reference WMO/235185


Hollies Drive

jct Walsall Street


West Midlands

WS10 9EQ


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War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.

Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Obelisk
  • Stone Stone (any)
Lettering: Incised
  • Unknown
About the memorial: Attached to north wall of memorial gardens - central tablet with moulded border, set within frame with round head containing shell motif, set in front of this is a pedestal inscribed 'to our glorious dead 1914-1918. 1939-1945'. The whole pedestal is flanked by roman Doric columns supporting an entablature and dentilled pediment. Central memorial in memorial gardens - square plan with diagonal volutes at corners terminating with lions' heads below cornice, on each side cornice rises to form open segmental pediment containing shell motif, above panel with moulded borders. Upper part treated as obelisk, with cross carved on each side. (c IWM Archive) Also an obelisk in front of the whole - Square plan, with diagonal volutes at corners terminating with lions' heads below cornice. On each side the cornice rises to form an open segmental pediment containing a shell motif, above a panel with moulded borders. Upper part treated as obelisk, with cross carved on each side. (c Historic England) . Historic England lists the pediment attached to the wall, and the obelisk, as two separate entries, but WMO treats the whole as a single memorial. There are 4 new panels renovated Some 623 names were included in the town's original roll of honour but a further 424 have been added to the list as part of a £57,000 project. A book of remembrance was opened during the dedication ceremony. Wednesbury War Memorial Campaign Group has taken about six years to identify those missing from the original list. Three of the plinths bear the name of victims from WWI, while a fourth one lists those to die during World War II and later conflicts. The new plaques were unveiled in November 2010 at the memorial parade. Willenhall-based Stonemasons W E Jones Memorials designed the tribute and inscribed the names of the fallen on eight granite tablets, divided over four plinths, in addition to the old memorial plaque. there is a very good booklet in the library on the other side of the road.
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on main decorative memorial "to our glorious dead 1914-1918. 1939-1945'. on each of three plaques , The Roll of Honour of Wednesbury Men/ who gave their/lives for King/ and Country in / the Great War/ 1914-1918 on the fourth, 1939-1945 The Roll of Honour of Wednesbury men who gave their lives for King and Country

Adams A/ Adams F W/ Adams L/ Adams L P/ Adams W/ Addison J T/ Adey T/ Allen A/ Allen E/ Allen H A/ Allen J A/ Allen J J/ Alsop J/ Ambler G E/ Anslow A/ Archer J/ Ashton J/ Astbury W/ Aston A/ Aston P W/ Bagby J/ Baggott J/ Baird S/ Baker A J/ Baker J/ Baker J E/ Ball W/ Banks T/ Barker E J/ Barlow H F/ Barnes C W/ Barnett T/ Barnett W/ Barnsley C J/ Bartle B/ Bates A V/ Bates E/ Bates H/ Bates J/ Bates J E/ Bates W C/ Baxter C A/ Bayley A H/ Bayley J F/ Bayliss F/ Beach L/ Beardmore S A/ Beasley N/ Beddall A E/ Beilby S A/ Belcher A/ Belcher J/ Bennett H/ Berry C J/ Berry F/ Berry W G/ Bevan J W/ Bills W H/ Birch W/ Bird B/ Bird S/ Bird T/ Birks J M/ Bishop D M/ Bissell F/ Bissell S E/ Blackburn S/ Blackwell F/ Blakemore B/ Blakemore E/ Blakemore J T/ Bleasdale A C/ Blewitt F H/ Bloomer C H/ Bloomer G/ Blower G/ Blundell A/ Blundell J E/ Blundell W E/ Bolton S H/ Booker W/ Booth R J/ Bould S R/ Bourne G/ Bowen B/ Boydall S/ Bradbury F/ Bradley A/ Bradley J H/ Bradley W/ Bradshaw M/ Bradshaw W/ Bridgwood H/ Brookes D/ Brookes J/ Brookes J T/ Brookes W R/ Brookes W S/ Brooks W/ Broomhall A J/ Broughton H/ Broughton S/ Broughton T/ Brown A/ Brown J/ Brown J/ Brown S/ Brown W H/ Bryan D/ Bryan G/ Bryan G/ Bryan L/ Buckley A/ Bullock C/ Bullock H/ Burden G P/ Burks J/ Burns J/ Burns J/ Burns J/ Burns R W/ Burrows T/ Butler B/ Butler N E/ Byrnes E/ Bytheway H/ Callaway J/ Campion A/ Campoen W/ Carless I/ Carroll D/ Carter H/ Carter T A/ Cartwright W/ Cattell J/ Causer H/ Challinor W/ Challoner S/ Chamberlain W/ Chambers F H/ Chambers H/ Chambers J H/ Chapman J/ Charles B W/ Charles J/ Cheetham W E/ Chell A J/ Cherrington C/ Clapp W H/ Clark A/ Clark H/ Clarke H S/ Clarke R/ Clarke W/ Clay J T/ Clifford J/ Clifford J W/ Clifton C R/ Clines T/ Coad F/ Cock R/ Cockbill R/ Colcolmbe B/ Coles H/ Collett D/ Collins S/ Connell M/ Connell W/ Connor T/ Constable W/ Cook J/ Cooper H/ Cooper J/ Cooper J/ Cooper J T/ Cooper S/ Cooper S/ Cousins G/ Cowley J R/ Coyne W/ Cross J? Croton J/ Crough H A/ Dancer J R/ Daniells C/ Davies A E/ Davies J/ Davies O/ Dawes C B/ Dawes C R/ Dawson J/ Day T/ Dean E/ Dean T/ De La Hage A F/ Denton J C/ Dewsbury F/ Dibble J F/ Dicken A/ Diggett H/ Dillon J/ Dodd S V/ Dolphin W/ Dolphin W/ Drinkwater O/ Duckham S/ Dudley A/ Dunn H/ Dyer A J/ Dyke L G/ Eaborne W/ Eagles A/ Edwards A/ Edwards E/ Edwards J/ Edwards W/ Edwards W J/ Ellis J/ Elmore A T/ Elmore H/ Elwell E E/ Emery W/ Evans E/ Evans J/ Evans J/ Evans M E/ Evans S/ Fantham A/ Farmer A/ Farmer G/ Farnell A C/ Farnsworth I R/ Farnsworth S/ Farquhar A G/ Fellows J E/ Fellows W/ Fenton T E/ Field E A/ Field J/ Field J T/ Fisher J/ Fisher J W/ Fisher P/ Fitzgerald T E Snr/ Fitzgerald T E Jnr/ Fitzpatrick B/ Fitzpatrick D/ Fitzpatrick T E/ Fletcher A J/ Fletcher T/ Follows A S/ Ford F/ Foster J/ Foster J T/ Foster J V/ Foster N/ Franklin W/ Fray A J/ Freeman J/ Freeman R/Freeth A/ French G/ Furby E E/ Garbett T/ Garbett T T/ Gatliffe J/ Gayden H/ Gee F/ Gibbons H/ Gibbons J/ Gibbons M/ Gittins A/ Gittins A/ Glister B/ Goddard C/ Goddard M/ Goddard M/ Golcher C/ Golder G R/ Golder H/ Gough J/ Grainger H/ Green G T/ Green I/ Green J/ Green L/ Green T/ Grice W/ Griffiths E G/ Griffiths G H/ Griffiths S J/ Griffiths T/ Griffiths T/ Griffiths T/ Griffiths T/ Grigg T/ Grigg T W/ Hackett C H/ Hall A C/ Hall G/ Hall J/ Hall J H/ Hall J R/ Hall P/ Hall R/ Hall S/ Hall W C/ Hallard l/ Halling J S/ Hampson D/ Hampton F B/ Handley J/ Handley W/ Harper D G/ Harper E/ Harper H/ Harper S/ Harper T/ Harper T/ Harris S T/ Harrison D/ Harrison F/ Harrison j/ Harrison P/ Harrison S/ Hart P/ Hartill J/ Hartle H/ Hartshorne G/ Hartshorne R/ Harvey J/ Harvey P J/ Harvey S/ Hassall h/ Hayward J/ Hayward R/ Haywood T/ Haywood W/ Heath B/Henderson A/ Henderson E/ Hesson J/ Heywood J V/ Hickman A/ Higgs R/ Hiles C/ Hill A/ Hill AS/ Hill F G/ Hill G/ Hill S/ Hill W/ Hillin J R/ Hillman R/ Hodgetts J/ Hodgson H/ Hodson G/ Hodson W/ Hogan J/ Holland B/ Holland C/ Holland S A/ Holland W/Hollinshead L/ Holmes J E/ Hooper J/ Hopkins W/ Horton J R/ Hounslow H G/ Hounslow W J/ Howard H/ Howard P/ Howell S/ Howells J/ Howells T/ Howells W/ Howles E/ Hubbard W/ Hudson H/ Hughes A/ Hughes A/ Hughes H/ Hughes J/ Hughes J/ Hughes L B/ Hughes W/ Humphreys A J O/ Humphries J/ Humphries R/ Hunt J/ Hunt L/ Hunt W J/ Hurley A/ Hurley F/ Hurley J/ Hutchinson R/ Huxley C/ Huxley E/ James A/ James A/ James A E/ James G/ James G/ James J H/ James P/ Jaques E H/ Jeavon F/ Jeavons G F/ Jenkins J E/ Jennings R N/ Jevons G F/ Jinks W/ Johnson J/ Jones A E/ Jones A G/ Jones A J/ Jones C/ Jones C H/ Jones D/ Jones F/ Jones F/ Jones H/ Jones J/ Jones J E/ Jones S/ Jones S C/ Jones T/ Jones T O/ Jones W/ Jordan A/ Joyce J/ Joynson L C B/ Kendall R/ Kendrick I/ Kendrick S/ Kendrick W/Kendrick W H/ Kenealy G/ Kenealy P/ Kenealy S/ Kimbley L/ Knight D/ Knight J W/ Knight T/ Knill F J/ Knowles G T R/ Lamsdale F/ Lamsdale F/ Land H/ Langley E/ Lappage F/ Latham J F/ Lawrence G W/ Leek E/ Lees J/ Lester A/ Lester W/ Lewis J/ Lewis W R/ Liggins W/ Lloyd J W/ London S H/ Lowe B/ Lowe V J/ Luckman E/ Lunn W/ Lyons A/ McDermott F/ Mc Gauley P/ McGrath M/ McNeill J/ Maddocks J/ Madeley H J/ Malone J J/ Maloney P/ Malton F J/ Manns T/ Marlow W/ Martin H/ Martin J T/ Martin S L/ Maskell F C/ Mason A/ Mason A/ Mason S/ Matthews A/ Matthews E E/ Maybury T/ Mayell C J/ Maynard J C/ Meadows H/ Meakin W/ Melia P F/ Micklewright M/ Millard C J/ Millard F B/ Millington G H / Millington J/ Millner W/ Mills S A/ Mitchell R/ Molone J J/ Molyneux C E/ Monaghan T/ Monaghan W/ Moore F G/ Moran W/ Morgan B/ Morris T/ Moseley A/ Moseley B/ Mossom W G/ Mullard F B/ Munn A G/ Murphy E F/ Murphy H/ Murphy J/ Neale F/ Neale J/ Neale J J/ Needham N S/ Nelson W/ Nevile B P/ New I/ Newton E/ Noakes J/ Nock W/ Noon J/ Norton A/ O’Connell W/ Oldbury G/ Oldbury J/ Oldbury S/ Oldham W/ Owen C/ Owen C W/ Pace F W/ Page A/ Page J W/ Page P/ Page S/ Palmer A C/ Palmer W H/ Parker H/ Parkes W/ Parkins W T/ Parton J/ Partridge J/ Partridge J/ Payne G/ Pearce J R/ Pemberton A/ Peplow C/ Perkins W T/ Perry H/ Perry L/ Perry T/ Phillips V/ Phillips W/ Pickering J/ Pincher W/ Pitt J/ Pitt W H/ Plant A E/ Plant C E/ Plant J/ Plant S/ Pooler G/ Pothan W/ Potts S/ Povey R/Powell E/ Powell J/ Powell F W/ Powell H/ Powell S/ Price H/ Price H/ Pritchard G H/ Pritchard H/ Pugh B/ Pugh E/ Pullen R S/ Purslow G A/ Pymm F L/ Pymm J T/ Radburn W C/ Ralph E/ Rastall S J/ Ratcliffe H/ Ratcliffe S/ Ray B/ Ray H/Read D/ Reade C/ Reddle G T/ Reece W/ Rees A/ Reeves E A/ Reeves H A/ Reeves J/ Revitt H/ Revitt W/ Rhodes J B/ Richards F/ Richards W/ Richardson F/ Richings G/ Riley E/ Riley J/ Riley J H/ Riley J T/ Riley W J/ Rimmington R A/ Roberts A E/ Roberts J/ Roberts J/ Roberts W/ Robinson B/ Robinson B C/ Robinson E G/ Robinson F J/ Robinson G/ Robinson W/ Roden G W/ Rogers S/ Rolfe H/ Rose W N/ Rosewarne A/ Rouse R/ Rudd V R/ Rudd W/ Rudge J/ Russell A C/ Russell W/ Sandland A/ Sandland W H/ Sandles J/ Sansum A A/ Sconce S H/ Severn H/ Share A J/ Shaw A/ Shaw A E/ Shaw E/ Shepherd E/ Shilton B/ Shinton B/ Shinton F/ Shinton G/ Shinton B W/ Shinton L/ Shirley H/ Shorthouse F A/ Shorthouse J/ Shortland W/ Shuck F/ Shutt M/ Sillitoe R/ Simcox W/ Simkin F/ Simpson L/ Sirdefield J/ Skidmore J/ Slater J E/ Small G/ Small J/ Small S/ Smallman J C/ Smith B/ Smith C E/ Smith E H/ Smith F/ Smith F R/ Smith G/ Smith I/ Smith J J/ Smith L/ Smith Leo/ Smith L C/ Smith N/ Smith S/ Smith T H/ Smith W/ Smitheman J/ Southam J A/ Southwark W/ Spence H/ Spencer J/ Spencer W/ Spittle C/ Spittle F W/ Spittle S/ Spooner W/ Stackhouse G W/ Stackhouse S/ Stanley J T/ Stanton A/ Steele A/ Stephenson S C/ Stevens F/ Stevens G H/ Stevens W E/ Steward G/ Stokes A L/ Stokes F/ Stokes L/ Stokes L/ Stokes W/ Storey J/ Storey W H/ Street F/ Stickley W/ Stubbes W/ Styles W/ Sullivan J/ Sullivan J/ Summers J E/ Swain W H/ Talbot L/ Taylor C/ Taylor G F/ Taylor J/ Taylor R/ Taylor W/ Thickett W/ Thomas A/ Thomas H/ Thomas J/ Thompson F/ Thompson H/ Thompson J/ Thompson J H/ Thompson W/ Thorley B/ Thornes J/ Thould L/ Thursfield G H/ Thurston H/Tibbs J T/ Tierney T/ Timmins B/ Timmins J/ Timmins S/ Timmins W/ Tonks W/ Tranter T W/ Troman T J B/ Tunnicliffe A/ Turner E. Turner J H/ Turner S/ Twigg C E/ Twigg L/ Tyler G/ Tyso T H/ Upton G/ Vaill J W/ Varden J/ Vaughan S/ Wadams J E P/ Wagstaffe A/ Waldron G/ Waldron G H/ Waldron J/ Walford J/ Walford G/ Walker A H/ Walker M/ Walker R/ Wall A/ Wallis J H/ Wallis R/ Walsh S/ Walters S/ Ward J/ Ward T/ Warde C R/ Warden R/ Wardle A/ Wardle C R/ Wardle W/Watson F A/ Watson J/ Watts C C/ Watts G/ Watts H/ Watts S/ Watts W A/ Webb H/ Wedge J/ Welch C/ Welch J/ Welsh J/ Welsh S/ West B J/ Westwood W/ Whistance J A/ White F F/ Whitehouse A/ Whitehouse F/ Whitehouse G/ Whitehouse T J/ Whitmore J/ Whittaker N/ Whittingham A/ Whittingham B V/ Whittingham S/ Wilcox W/ Wild A/ Wild E/ Wilkes A/ Wilkes C/ Wilkes E/ Wilkes F/ Wilkes J/ Wilkes L/Wilkinson A/ Williams B/ Williams BB/ Williams H/ Williams H A/ Williams J/ Williams J/ Williams J/ Williams J/ Williams J/ Williams J W A/ Williams S/ Williams T/ Williams W G/ Wilson J L/ Wingfield G/ Withers T P/ Withington G/ Witton B/ Witton B R/ Wood J/ Wood T/ Wood T/ Woodhatch S/ Wooldridge J/ Wooster W G/ Wootton A E/ Wright A W/ Wright F/ Wright G H/ Wright J/ Wright J/ Wright S/ Wright T/ Wylde A/ Wylde E/ Wylde S/ Yates F/ Yates H R/ Yates S/ Young H/ Young R/Bates H WW11 - Aston F W/ Bailey J T/ Bajer J/ Barnes A/ Barnett J/ Batchelor W/ Bates H H/ Beardmore W F/ Bennett H/ Bickley S W/ Bickley W/ Bickley W F/ Bissell F L/ Blakemore E/ Blakemore N/ Bluck W/Brookes A/ Butler T E R/ Butler W/ Callaghan J D/ Cartwright W/ Churchill W B/ Clark S/ Clay J E/ Coombes C/ Cooper W/ Cooper W E/ Corbett E S/ Cotterell R M/ Croton C J/ Croton R/ Curtis W J/ Dangerfield J/ Davies W A/ Dean C/ Dent J/ Dicken E/ Dunn J F C/ Elmore R D/ Evans H V/ Evans N/ Evans T G/ Evans W/ Felton C/ Fisher L/ Flaherty J/ Fowell E/ Freeman R/ Garbett F R/ Garbett J T/ Goode W G/ Green S/ Haddock V K/ Hall N V/ Handley G/ Harris b/ Harvey R/ Harvey R J/ Hawkins A T/ Hawkins H/ Hayes A/ Hennefer W/ Heywood C G/ Hill T/ Hill T W/ Hitch S F/ Hollingsworth A H/ Hollingsworth T/ Holmes A E/ Holmes N/ Hopkins D R/ Horton B/ Huffadine B/ Hughes G/ Hughes S L G/ Humphries R/ Hunt J P/ Hyatt J F/ Ingram F/ Ingram R/ Jackson A/ Jackson E/ Jackson L S/ James R/ James R/ Jellyman L/ Jiggins F H/ Jinks J A/ Jinks J T/ Jinks W L/ Johnson I/ Jones F A/ Jones F E/ Jones J/ Keeling A E/ Kelly G/ Kemp A/ Kendrick J J/ Kenealy G/ Kilkenny S/Lavender A W/ Lee S/ Leek E/ Lewis J/ Lingwood J/ Lloyd J/ Lloyd J W/ Loew V J/ Madeley S J R/ Mainwood A/ Manders J I/ Manns T/ Marshall J T/ May J E/ Meachin J E/ Middlebrook T/ Morgan F S/ Moses H J/ Mountford E/ Mumford R C/ Newton D W/ Noakes A/ Onions C W/ Onions T L/ Osborne J/ Osborne J/ Owen S J/ Paddock W H/ Paskin E/ Peake J H/ Perkins A/ Perry J/ Perry J G/ Perry R S/ Potts S/ Price A/ Price A A/ Price A D/ Price L/ Price W A/ Read D E/ Richards W J/ Riley B/ Robinson A L/Robson N/ Rose J/ Rose W L/ Russell A E/ Sault J/ self F/ Scott S T/ Shade A V/ Shinton H/ Simmons J H/ Sirdefield S/ Siverns H/ Smith A R/ Smith g M/ Smith J H/ Southall H/ Steadman J H/ Steadman N/ Steele J/ Steele R J/Steventon T/ Stokes N/ Stone J/ Sutcliffe N/ Taylor E N/ Taylor G/ Taylor H R/ Thickett J W/ Thomas J/ Thorp R B/ Till G/ Train A/ Truby R/ Varden H T/ Vaughan S E/ Wall L/ Walters C/ Weals A/ Wells H W/ Wells L G/ Wenlock R/ Westbury F C/ Wilkes A E D/ Wilkes F C/ Wilkins J T H/ Williams E S/ Williams H A/ Williams H E/ Wilson A E/ Wilson P/ Woodbine G/ Woods S H/ Worthington J/ Collins B/ Kinsell B/ Owen R E/ Pinney A Other conflicts Harvey R

Grade II (England)

1229515 and 1342660

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