Emmanuel Church War Memorial Board

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Reference WMO/239434


Emmanuel Church

Birmingham Road

Wylde Green

Sutton Coldfield




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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Inside a building - public/private
Description: Board/Plaque/ Tablet
  • Paper Paper
  • Timber Timber (any)
Lettering: Painted
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
About the memorial: Board commemorating those from the Parish of Wylde Green who gave their lives in World War One and World War Two.
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Grants to support the repair and conservation of war memorials are available from the charity War Memorials Trust if it has raised funds. Support is focused on war memorials in Very bad or Poor condition or where there is a serious Concern.

Before applying for a grant you should read the advice available on War Memorials Trust`s website. The What we can and cannot fund helpsheet explains what types of work the charity can fund.

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The Pre-application enquiry form is a series of questions to see if your project is eligible. If it is, you will need to provide further details and submit current colour photographs of the war memorial in either a png, gif, jpg or jpeg format.

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Please be aware that a summary of your enquiry, without your contact details, will appear on this page once submitted. This ensures others are aware that an enquiry has been made and can read the response to avoid duplicate enquiries. Information provided by you to us will be used for the purpose of managing the grant enquiry, for further details please read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy .

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THE GREAT WAR 1914 - 1918: W Beach, Frank Wright, FD MacSwieny, Percy Charles Goode, JR Allender, Phillip Henry William Britton, Wilfred Henry Wheeler, Eric Leslie Mason, George William Cross, William Joseph Hince, George Nobel Hallewell, Cecil John Deykin, Sidney Harrison, Henry Wilfred Brassington, Raymond Douglas Bratt, JS Arbery, Alfred John King, Percy John Morris, Thomas Stonehouse, Arthur Rex Harrup, George Ernest Parrott, Howard Parker Cashmore, TE Byrne, John Webb, Cecil Campbell Gibbons, GS French, James Wright, Septimus Eric Parsons, Harold Jerome Couch, Thomas Philip Hands, Arthur Edgar Johnson, Vincent Harold Morgan, Percy Henry Perry, William Pierce Wheeler; Frederick Iliffe, Richard Ralph Evans, AV Coleman, Robert Rutter Howell, James Gordon Webster, Arthur Crowther, Walter John Seaton, Harry Woodward, Arthur George Poolman, Philip Marsh Evans, AI Renaud, Charles Cyril Smith, John Colin Larkin/ THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1939 - 1945: Eric Leslie Mason, Charles Edmund Brown, James Baldwin Webb, Alfred John Jones, Richard John Manning, Harry Donald Geoffrey Morris, Wilfred Errol Miles Littlewood, Thomas Clarkson Richards, Bernard Charles Richard Tomlinson, James Wiggall, James Egan Corbett, Peter Thomas Clibbery, Edward Mills Nash, Dennis Raymond Wright, Stanley Frederick Pettit, Richard Colinson Hovers, Robert William Walker Lutz, Richard Field Featherston, John Edward Naylor Darlington, Ernest Garnet Ashton, Gerald Harper, John Constantine Fedrazzini, Dudley Sherwood Brook, Harry Tyre Jim Baldock, Geoffrey George Dowson, Alan Lawrence Stevens, Oliver Ross Goodwin, John Barrington Watkins, William Edgar Godfrey.

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