Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Shawford Down - Taken by Adrian Walmsley 11 Nov 2001
War Memorial on Shawford Down with distant view of the M3 cutting through Twyford Down - Taken by Adrian Walmsley 26 Feb 2010
The War Memorial at sunrise - Taken by Adrian Walmsley 28 Sep 2011
The War Memorial seen past the map board at the foot of Shawford Down - Taken by Adrian Walmsley 24 Jul 2012
Steam cleaning the War Memorial on Shawford Down - Taken by IMI 14 Apr 2014
IMI renewing the inscription on the Shawford Down War Memorial - Taken by Adrian Walmsley 14 Apr 2014
War Memorial on Shawford Down - with distant view of Twyford Church across the Itchen Valley - Taken by Adrian Walmsley 02 Jan 2015
Reference WMO/248969
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Around the base of the cross To the glory of God and in proud and grateful memory of all the men of the Empire and especially those from this parish who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1919. They sought the glory of their country, they see the glory of God. Around the plinth Re-dedicated to the glory of God and to the memory of those whose names are engraved on this step who gave their lives in the Second World War 1939-1945 They died that we might live.
First World War Walter Wm Abraham Pte Wiltshire Regt. Everard L. Brine Lieut Hampshire Regt. William Hugh Broad Seaman H.M.S. Hampshire Percy Crowther Capt R.A.S.C. Albert Cyril Fancy Pte. Gloucestershire Regt George Armand Furse Capt R.F.A. Charles G. R. Halliday 2nd Lieut. R.E. Septimus Hibbert Surgeon R.N.V.R. Albert Hilliar Pte. Canadian Militia Geoffrey A. St. J. Jones 2nd Lieut. Middlesex Regt Charles Edwd Laverick Seaman H.M.S.Victory. Bernard Laverick Pte Australian Infantry Charles H. Manwaring. Gunner R.C.A. George Ernest Webb. L Cpl Hampshire Regt M. Sackville West. 2nd Lieut. R.F.C. J.P. Sackville West 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. William White M.C. 2nd Lieut. Bedfordshire Regt. Second World War Edward Adam Carse Lt. Col. Bucks BN Robert Stanley Fullick L/Stoker R.N. Edward Gordon Haigh Sergt. K.A.R. Ivor S. Hooper Lt. Col W. Yorks Regt. F Jack Mee Pilot Officer R.A.F. V.R. Jocelyn Mellor Flying Officer R.A.F. George Nash Private Wilts Regt (Commando) W. Jack O Nightingale Sergt. R.A.F. H. W. Cumine Robson Lt. Col. Indian Army Russell Salmon Major Sudan Def. Force James William Sawyer Major R. Berks. Regt. Kenneth Everitt Thomas Bombardier R.A. Christopher P.W .Warren Flying Officer R.A.F. Harry Webster Squadron Leader R.A.F.
Grade II (England)
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Compton & Shawford Parish Council