church street brierley hill - Taken by Adrian Wheeler 13 Nov 2017
Church street Brierley Hill - Taken by Adrian Wheeler 13 Nov 2017
Brierley Hill sunset - Taken by Dennis R Whittaker 16 Sep 2019
At the going down of the sun. - Taken by David powis 17 Nov 2021
In memory of Cpl James Bayliss - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
The fallen 1 - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
The fallen 2 - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
The fallen 3 - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
Memorial viewed from Church Street - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
For freedom - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
From Church Street - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
From Church Street - Taken by David Powis 17 Nov 2021
Reference WMO/254592
Edit memorial name, location & address- Stone Stone (any)
- First World War (1914-1918)
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Cyprus Emergency (1955-1959)
- Korean War (1950-1953)
- Malayan Emergency (1948-1960)
Grants to support the repair and conservation of war memorials are available from the charity War Memorials Trust if it has raised funds. Support is focused on war memorials in Very bad or Poor condition or where there is a serious Concern.
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6 O'clock Face: For Righteousness/ In Gratitude & Admiration/ This Monument/ Was Erected By Their Fellow/ Town Folk To The Memory Of/ Brierley Hill Men/ Who Loyally Gave Their Lives/ In Defence Of/ Country And Civilisation/ Against Aggressive/ Ambitions Of/ Germany/ Austria & Turkey/ In The Great War/ Which Lasted/ From/ August 4th 1914/ To/ November 11th 1918/ "Their Name/ Liveth/ For Evermore"/ Flanders 3 O'clock Face: For Homeland/ (WW1 Names)/ Gallipoli/ (WW2 Names) 9 O'clock Face: For Kindred/ (Ww1 Names)/ Palestine/ (WW2 Names) 12 O'clock Face: For Freedom/ (WW1 Names)/ France/ (WW2 Names) Tablet One: Korean Conflict Cyprus Conflict/ (Names) Tablet Two: Malaya/ Conflict/ (Name)Jlll4brd At the top of the four faces are the bold inscriptions: For Freedom, For Homeland, For Righteousness, For Kindred At the bottom of each face are inscribed the main campaigns: France, Flanders, Gallipoli, Palestine.
All conflicts Allchurch W M/Allden A V/Allden J N O/Allen E C/Askins W/Baker A W/Ball F/Barker J/Barnbrook H/Barnsley W H/Baylis J/Bell H R/Benton G H/Billingham W/Bishop J/Bishop J B/Bissel G H/Bowen J/Bradley J/Bradley W/Bridgwater A C/Brookes J H/Brooks C H/Brown A E/Bryce F/Bull J/Campion T G/Cartwright B/Cartwright E/Cartwright Jas/Cartwright Jnd/Cartwright W/Casserley J H/Champerlain P/Chance C/Clarke S/Collins W H/Cook H WS/Couper R M/Courtney W/Cox W J/Culshaw D/Culshaw W H/Dance G E/Darby J D/Davies G/Davies J/Dovey C E/Duncombe I H/Dunn E/Edmunds A V/Edwards E/Edwards W E/Everiss C/Fereday H/ Fletcher I E/Fletcher J T/Foley E/Fradgley J E/Gennard L/Gill J T/Gill J W/Goodhead J/Gordon J G/Gould F F/Grazier C H/Crazier E D/Green M A E/Green T/Griffiths J G/Grosvenor W H/Groves B/Harborne C E/Hardwick W T/Hartland B/Hartland J/Hawkins W H/Hayward E/Heathcote G/Hewitt J/Higgs A/Highfield W G/Hipkiss A V/Holloway F/Holt W E/Homer C/Homer W/Hood F W/Horton S/Hudson W/Hughes J/Hunt W I/James W/Jones Joseph/Jones Enoch/Keeley J M/Kempson E C/Kendrick J H/King J W/Kinsel L J H/Lacey F,/Lambert J H/Lander J/Lane J/Langford S/Large A/Leedham A/Lester E W/Lester Alec/Lewis J H/Lloyd R E/Lowe P/Maiden A/Maiden J/Mallen J W/Mallen S/Malpass J/Malpass H/Malpass E/Mantle J/Marsh J/Marshall S E/Masters A E/Meese H J/Morris A/Mullender Livingstone/newton Edward/Newton S T/Oliver A P/Owen J/Packwood Sidney/Page N/Page E/Page A/Page J/Parker R/Parkes C I/Parry L J/Pearce J/Pearshouse W/Pearson W/Pearson C/Pearson D/Pearsdon J H/Pearson T R/Pemberton A/PIgott H/Pitchford H M/Plant J/Plant J/Plant D/Poole G/Poston A/Powell S M/Price J T/Priest J T/Prosser S/Rea V G W/Rea J S/Richards W H/Richards G/Richardson E J/Roberts J H/Rooker J S C/Roughton B/Round D B/Rowley J T/Rubery W E/Rudge A E/Russell H/Rutter J H/Sault W L/Scott I/Shakespeare G/Share W B/Shaw W/Sheriff H V/Silvers H W/Simpson J/Simpson G H/Simpson J/Siviter H/Skelton W/Slater J/Edward E/Smith J B/Smith W T/Spiers A H/Summers G H/Sutton H/Sutton C/Thompson W/Tolley E/Tomlinson A/Tompkins W H/Tonks H/Tromans J H/Tubb G MM/Tunley A/Turley E/Turner J H/Underhill J/Walsh R F B/Walters J H/Warren W E/Westwood G/Whittaker H/Whittaker J H/Williams J/Wood A E/Worton A/Worton E V
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