New Camelon War Memorial

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Reference WMO/259237


Lock 16

Forth and Clyde Canal

Glenfuir Road





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Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Within a garden/park/churchyard/enclosure/Marketplace
Description: Other sculpture
  • Metal Metal (any)
  • Stone Granite
Lettering: Incised
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Korean War (1950-1953)
About the memorial: Seven weathered Corten steel panels, each with a symbolic jagged cut down its middle, arranged in an arc on a grassed area in front of which is a keyhole-shaped paved area with curved granite benches carrying a gilded dedication around the front face. Originally there were five panels, with the dedication on the left-hand section of the first, with the WW1 names on its right-hand section and on the other four panels to its right. Two panels carrying the WW2 and Korean War names were subsequently erected to the left of the first panel. The inscription is laser-cut through the panels. The straight section of the keyhole shape provides the paved approach up from the parkland path below. This path has a raised border to the South, which is faced with slate panels, of which every other one carries a gilded incised inscription giving the name and year of principal WW1 and WW2 engagements, plus one for the War in Korea. The Union Jack flies from a flagpole set to the right of the upper paved area.. Mariners is a nickname for all people from Camelon.
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Panel 1: WW2/ (Names) Panel 2: WW2/ (Names) , with Korean War/ (Names) on lower section of 2b Panel 3a- ERECTED BY THE PEOPLE OF/CAMELON IN FAITHFUL/MEMORY OF ALL THEIR/FELLOW MARINERS WHO/GAVE THEIR LIVES IN TIMES OF WAR AND CONFLICT/SO THAT WE TODAY/SHOULD ENJOY AND/CHERISH THE BLESSING/OF FREEDOM Panel 3b- WW1/ (Names) Panels 4 - 7 WW1/ (Names) On the front of the granite benches: We will/ Remember them On the panels beside the approach path, from the bottom: Ypres 1915/ Gallipoli 1915/ Somme 1916/ Passchendale 1917/ Amiens 1918/ Dunkirk 1940/ Battle of Britain 1940-1941/ Normandy Landings 1944/ War at Sea 1940-1945/ War in Pacific 1941-1946/ War in Korea 1950-1953

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