Lieutenant Arthur Hardolph Eyre

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Reference WMO/292222


Royal Garrison Church of All Saints

Farnborough Road


GU11 1QA


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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Description: Board/Plaque/ Tablet
  • Stone Stone (any)
Lettering: Incised
  • Ashanti Wars (1823-1900)
About the memorial: Lieutenant Arthur Hardolph Eyre, 90th Light Infantry (became the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) in 1881). He was the son of Major General Sir William Eyre, KCB, and Lady Eyre. Born on 10 Nov 1850 at the Cape of Good Hope. Entered the Army 1 Dec 1869. Volunteered for special service on the Gold Cost, West Africa and took part in the Third Anglo-Ashanti War 1873–1874 and was killed close to Coomassie (Kumasi, Ghana). He is also commemorated on a memorial tablet in St Mark's Church, Bilton, Rugby, Warwickshire.
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In memory of Arthur Hardolph Eyre, Lieutenant 90th Light Infantry, who having served throughout the Ashantee expedition in which he envinced the noble courage hereditary in his family, was killed whilst leading the advance guard in the last day's fighting before Coomassie 4th February 1974 in the 24th year of his age. Erected by his messmates and brother officers of Wood's Regiment.

Arthur Hardolph Eyre

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