Christ Church Roll of Honour

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Reference WMO/292468


Christ Church

58 ChristChurch Road

Colliers Wood

SW19 2NY


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Status: On original site
Type: Non freestanding
Location: Internal
Setting: Inside a building - public/private
Description: Roll of Honour or Book of Remembrance
  • Glass Glass
  • Paper Paper
  • Timber Timber (any)
Lettering: Other
  • First World War (1914-1918)
About the memorial: Framed Roll of Honour (see comment about the status of the memorial).
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Grants to support the repair and conservation of war memorials are available from the charity War Memorials Trust if it has raised funds. Support is focused on war memorials in Very bad or Poor condition or where there is a serious Concern.

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Column 1- Adlington, David/ Alexander Henry James/ Arnold Walter William/ Ashford Walter George/ Ashmore William Ewart/ Baker Harry/ Barker Arthur John Sen./ Barker Arthur Henry Jun./ Barker Charles James/ Bass Frederick Charles William/ Barhurst Arthur/ Beer Albert George/ Bentley Albert/ Bentley Fredk. Henry/ Blazdell Clifford/ Bowler James/ Brigdon Percy James/ Bright Albert Edward/ Bright Eli Francis/ Brookes Arthur/ Brunning Walter/ Bryan James William/ Buck W/ Budd Frederick/ Budd Sydney/ Buckland Frederick/ Bullock Harry Thomas C/ Butler Charles/ Butler Francis/ Butler James/ Butler John O'Connor/ Bye Edward Charles/ Came Thomas Ernest/ Caryl Edward Tom/ Carter Percy Albert/ Chandler William/ Charles Frederick Stanley/ Christie Christopher Henry/ Cocks Charles Weymouth/ Coles Charles/ Cole Frank Andrew/ Cole Lionel Victor/ Coleman Herbert John E/ Collins Oscar Owen/ Cook Tom/ Coomer Charles Albert/ Cooper Peter/ Cory John Reginald/ Cowham Oscar Wharrie/ Crisp William Charles/ Culley Walter Duncan/ Dann Lewis John/ Davis Horace Vincent/ Dennison William Arthur/ Dillistone C W H/ Drane William/ Drewett William/ Eccles John William/ Edwards Sidney Albert/ Elgood Alfred Charles; Column 2- Elgood Archibald Frederick/ Elgood Robert Walter/ Fleckney Frank/ Fowler George William John/ Garratt Joseph/ Gayner Arthur Edwin/ Gibbons Percy James/ Gibbs Charles E/ Gillett George Hamilton/ Gladstone John W/ Godfrey Albert R/ Godfrey Charles V/ Godwin Albert G/ Godwin William A/ Griffiths Ethelbert George/ Griffiths John Learwood/ Hall Charles/ Hall Leonard/ Hanwell Albert Victor/ Hardy William A/ Harrison John William H/ Hayden Herbert William/ Hill Samuel George A/ Hines Harry/ Hogfress Charlie M/ Hogg Ernest Frank/ Hogg Horace Walter/ Hollamby Ernest H/ Hope Frederick John/ Humphrey William / Hunt John Henry/ Jannaway Albert Ernest/ Jessup Arthur/ Jones Harold Edward/ Ketcher Ernest A/ Knight Albert Edward/ Langridge Ernest E/ Latham S H/ Lawson Frederick George/ Lawson Herbert/ Leonard Reginald E A/ Lewis Frederick William/ Marriott Albert Edward/ Marsh Harold/ Martin Arthur/ Martin Leonard/ May Herbert Tom/ Meachwell William/ Moody William John/ McDonnell Elliot William/ MacFarlane William Thomas/ Nisbet Alfred Edward/ Palmer Sydney Robert/ Palmer Thomas Daniel/ Parker John William/ Parkin Cecil Robert/ Payne Henry MacGregor/ Payne Walter Charles/ Pickard John Isaiah/ Pickett Fredk./ Pittam John Thomas; Column 3- Pocklington Arthur/ Poulton Arthur/ Pounds Herbert Gregory/ Pridgeon John/ Priestley Tom Henry/ Quinn George Francis/ Randall Alfred R/ Randall George Alfred/ Richardson Horace C/ Rickman Herbert J/ Risley John/ Roberts John Griffith/ Rodhouse Charles William/ Rodhouse Fullerton/ Roffey Frank/ Rolfe Charles Samuel/ Russell Lionel/ Savage William John/ Seibel Adam George/ Shadbolt Alfred W/ Shadbolt George/ Sharp Henry William/ Shults John Charles/ Simmonds Charles/ Skipp William Henry/ Soper Walter/ Sopp George/ Sorrell William John/ Spice Albert/ Spice John/ Steadman Edward Thomas/ Steane Alan/ Stunt Frederick William/ Tallick John Henry/ Taylor Norman Charles/ Tester John/ Todd Hugh Lewis/ Todd Alfred Herbert/ Turner James Clifford/ Tyrell Albert/ Wadley Harry Ernest/ Walker Richard Frederick/ Walker William Henry/ Webb Arthur Thomas/ Weedon Robert George/ Wells Francis William/ Whibley Oliver Frank/ Wiggins James Albert William/ Williams Percy Morton/ Williams Wm. Stephen/ Willis George Frederick/ Wilson Edward Milton/ Winter William George/ Wood Archie/ Wood William John/ Wright Harry S/ Wynne Thomas Edward/ Young Archibald Geo,/ Young Percival Ernest/ Young Walter James

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