Reference WMO/292950
Edit memorial name, location & address- Stone Stone (any)
- First World War (1914-1918)
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Some war memorials are not eligible for funding from War
Memorials Trust.
Further information is provided on our
‘Definition of a war memorial for funding purposes’.
As a conservation charity which gives grants War Memorials Trust can support repair and conservation works that follow best conservation practice. Grants are awarded from funds raised by the charity so money available is limited and is therefore focused on eligible war memorials.
War Memorials Trust’s Definition of a war memorial for funding purposes helpsheet explains which war memorials are eligible and ineligible for funding.
As a charity, War Memorials Trust relies on voluntary donations and every contribution, no matter how large or small, makes a really big difference to our work. Your donation will help protect and conserve war memorials for future generations so please support War Memorials Trust’s work.
In loving memory of Private George Alfred Wood, 1st Essex Regiment who fell fighting for his country at Gallipoli Dardanelles 6 August 1915 aged 26 In loving memory of Harold A Middleton, Civil Service Rifles, Killed in Action 7 June 1917 Laid to rest in Belgium Age ? In loving memory of Serg Beecher Valentine Goater, Died in Hospital at Caudry Laid to rest in Belgium? 28 November 1918 aged 34
Private George Alfred Wood Harold A Middleton Serg Beecher Valentine Goater
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