Friern Barnet - Taken by B Woods 01 Oct 1995
Friern Barnet inscription - Taken by B Woods 01 Oct 1995
Memorial in churchyard - Taken by War Memorials Trust 30 Mar 2011
Friern Barnet War Memorial - Taken by Chris Reynolds 23 Aug 2016
WMT site visit - Taken by Ffion Jones War Memorials Trust 21 Jul 2023
WMT site visit - wreaths removed - Taken by Ffion Jones War Memorials Trust 21 Jul 2023
WMT site visit - Taken by Ffion Jones War Memorials Trust 21 Jul 2023
Friern Barnet - WMT site visit - Taken by Ffion Jones War Memorials Trust 21 Jul 2023
Example of extent of weathering to incised lettering - Taken by Ffion Jones War Memorials Trust 21 Jul 2023
Reference WMO/76820
St James the Great' Churchyard
Friern Barnet Lane
N20 0ND
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- First World War (1914-1918)
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It bears this inscription: 1914-1919 Brothers who died for our homes and country, we salute you, and commend you to the Redeemer’s keeping./ [87 names] / "Whose glory was redressing human wrong]
Henry E Baggs George Baker Thomas Beavis Leo Bell Frank Bigwood W H P Bennett Percy D Bennett P Douglas Briggs Herbert H Broadhouse Frank W Buttifant Travis P Bussell Arthur Clark Ronald E Collins Arthur J H Cornell James M Cottam George O Cox Thomas Cox Wilfred H G Cox Alfred W Coleman, Edgar Curry Arthur J Crumpler Alfred Davies Ivor T Davies Reginald Dee Charles A Dickens Stanley J Fone Thomas W Farrow Harold M Foreman Monica M Ferguson Herbert T Field Alexander G Green William F Guy Bernard Hardie Ronald Harrison E Frank Harding William R Henderson Charlotte E Henry William Howitt R T G Haselwood Jack H Hunt Harry W Hunt Ernest E Hughes Lawrence H Hewlett Sidney Hucklesby Henry J Hucklesby M M Humphreys Horace C Irwin Neville E Keen George H Kiteley Ronald H List John Lamont James Mackie William T Manns Joseph Mildern Atholl Mildern James A Mecoy Alexander B Kynoch William Paul Edward C Philpot John Presser Alfred L Price Walter H Price John Reynolds Percy G Rawlings Robert T Pitt Alfred E Ridley William P Rumbold, Leonard A Sexton Arthur E Sims Frank T Sherrington Ralph H Sherrington Clifford H Sinclair Ernest G Standley George N Thorpe John Tingley Philip R Toms, Cecil W Toms Sydney R Turner Harold E Turner Ernest E Usher Hector W Vears Ernest E Vears Cecil H Wright-Ingle William E Wilkinson Oliver C Wall Albert M Wilmott William Wright Roll of Honour Parish Magazine, July 1917: “Mr Sydney Simmons has kindly offered to bear the expense of erecting a War Shrine outside S John’s Church, to contain the names of all who are fighting for King and Country. The shrine will be erected beneath the flagstaff on which the Union Jack will be hoisted.” The list was for all, irrespective of rank or creed, and was “intended to represent all who have joined the colours, whether serving at home or abroad or discharged as medically unfit for further service.” The magazine for August listed eighty-three names on the Roll. More were added in subsequent months, bringing the final total to two hundred and seventy-one. An asterisk indicated those who had died. A S Irwin, Can Scottish D J Irwin, RGA H C Irwin, A and S Highrs S S Irwin, MGC C S Irwin, HMS Nerissa *W Wright, QWR W E Dee, QWR P Dee, ATCMY A E Gibbs, Hamps R F J Chew, R Fus A C Froude, Middx R C Rayment, RFA H Sellman, RE J Mullinger, RGA T Collins Suffolk R F G Hunt, RFA J W Hunt, Middx Yeomanry H W Hunt, Middx Yeomanry C W Hunt, RFA A C Hunt, QRWS G T Hunt, TRB, W J Stanley, RGA *E G Stanley, HMS Good Hope G W Deacon, HMS Bacchante L Noble, RE H Noble, HMS Hornet S Noble, Australian R F L Jolley, RFA W Eaton, Middx R F W Morris, Somerset LI W B Morris, OCB G B Morris, AOC C E Lines, Ox And Bucks LI E G Lines RFA B Hardie, Buffs W Hardie, LR H C Bunn, RFC H W Heward, Hants CC R H Heward, RE W H Bliss, City of L Yeo S F Bliss, Seaforth Highrs E A Bliss BSSIRB F W Lincoln, RAMC H C Lincoln, RFA J Razzell, R Fus H Pennery, R Fus F H Vears, Westminstr Dragoons *E F B Vears, RB H L M West, Suffolk R L C Warren, RGA W F Wilkinson, Middx R L H Hewlett, CSR * R H List, LRB H T Pitt, HMS Valiant H C Martin, HMS Iron Duke A T Vower, LR G Pentney, West Kent R W A Wilson, Middx Regt W Hoare, Seaforth Highrs T J Humphrey, RAMC J Larking, ASC A M Wilmott, MT ASC C B M Platt, RE P D Bennett, Border R G W Dunmall, ASC E J Cox, ASC D H Cox, Somerset LI E J Johncock, HMS Lord Nelson R Wells, R Fus C H Stuart, Middx R F Saunders, AVC A Hughes, MFP A Brunwell, RMLI H Horseman, A & S Highrs H G Rasmussen, MT ASC H W Jarvis, RFA E J Cope, OTC A W Ainsworth, HMS Argonaut *P R Toms, R Fus C W Toms, Merc Marine G W Sydenham, MT ASC F J Wakefield, C of L R B A T Wakefield, C of L R C Bond, RNAS F Bond, RE *L A Sexton, Middx R F G Sexton, TR H P White, Cheshire R H F White, Middx R H N White, R Fus A Paul, D of Wellington’s R *W Paul, Middx R H Paul, RE F Paul, TR E Cordaroy, RAMC H E B Wilkins, MGC T B Revill, Scot Rifles J Mackie, Scot Rifles R E Lapthorn, Seaforth Highrs D V Ratcliffe, Bedford R L G Edinborough, , Middx R F Kidman, HMS Blanche D E J Truman, RGA G F Truman, R Fus *G W Turner, LRB F Higgins, RE A B Kynoch, D of W West Riding R G A Howard, RFA H C Paul, RFC A B Paul, RFA S C Paul, Middx R F R Beal, Middx R R C Hunter, Gordon Highrs G Broom, West Kent R W Mackie, APC W Cox, RE T Cox, Middx Pioneers A Clarkson, , Middx R O C Wall, MGC L W Wall, MGC J H Wall, Dorset Yeomanry J M Bidgoog, HAC D S Davies, LR L Munday, OTC F I Baker, ASC W T Giffard, E Surrey R T Stratton, RNAS S Stratton, RHA *A L Price, RE D Davies, Middx R E R Hazle, RNAS *P L Evans, Middx Regt W Howitt, Manchester R A Clark, Grenadier G C Radway, Essex R J S Mildern, KRR H Colburn, Northumberlnd R P J Green, Middx R T F Warmsley, ASC F W Bevens, RFA H S Diddams, Buffs P S Diddams, HMS Leviathan A G Jarman, Durham LI D G Wallis, HMSValkyrie S J Dommett, RFC W F McBride, East Kent R A W McBride, RFA G J McBride, RFA R A McBride, TRB J W Sibun, Buffs A H T Sander, HMS Caradoc L W Sander, RGA F J Crumpler, MT ASC *A S Crumpler, HMS Cornwallis W H Emerton, MT ASC J H Emerton, RFA H F Swain, D of Cornwall’s LI J W Cooper, MMP G H Webster, RNAS *T B Beavis, D of Cornwall’sLI *H S Broadhouse, West Surrey R A A Meaden, RAMC C A Meaden, RAMC H J Newman, TRB S R Turner, Essex R *H F Turner, KRR F H Turner, RFA G H James, RFA A Stephen, LRB A Smith, Middx R W T Smith, R Fus L N Benwell, C of L R H A Benwell, C of L R L A Tombleson, MAC *E Curry, Seaforth Highrs R Curry, Seaforth Highrs G W Connon, POR A S Collins, Essex Regt L E J Reynolds, RE P G Rawlings, HT ASC H Stevens, RFC H W Vears, Ox and Bucks LI C M Reid, Middx R *G D Cox, R Fus L Green, MGC N Green, HAC *A Green, RE G Sharp, Middx R W J Scrivens, HAC W T Turner, , Middx R H B W Clarke, , Middx R R Hemmings, HAC H R Hemmings, HAC C G Collier, RGA W C Caney, RNAS H J Caney, OTC *R F Collins, RFC E J Alcock, , Middx R *H M Foreman, HMS Dalhousie *T W Farrow, R Fus *S Fone, RGA G H Gillett R B Hicks, HAC J W Harries, RNVR C R Keen, Bedford R L D Keen, Berks R H J Keen, Dorset R N E Keen, TMB C M Keen, Monitor 21 R Lord, ASC C R Lowry, NZM H S Lowry, RE W Lowry, RE G F C Foskett, Wireless Signal R W H Foskett, RNAS *P A J Cottam, Canadian Cont W G Cottam, RA A E Cottam, East Surrey R J H Shrubb, King’s Hussars C Britten, RAMC *W F Guy, Inniskilling F F W Buttifant, LRB *A J Cornell, , Middx R *T P Bussell, Queen’s West H S Dines, RE F Dines, RFC A Mildern, RFA S T Blink, ASC R Harrison, Queen’s West Rifles L Hermitage, ASC E B Manns, E Surrey R W T Manns, Herts R F W Aldred, Can Mounted R E C Stevens, TRB F Stevens, RE H C Stevens, RFC A B Stevens, RFA S C Stevens, Middx R J C Newman, RFC J E Newman, RNAS T W Newman, E Surrey R W G Sargent, MT ASC B H T Leighton, RND G E Leighton, Can Corps S Leighton, Northum Fus *A Hobbs, C of L R G Cornell, R West Surrey R F Hoare, Grenadier G J Dolley, D of Cornwall’s LI G Ryall, RE L W Mingay, S Lanc R H S Arnold, RFC H J Stone, RAMC E C Painter, HMS Transport Shuja G H Kiteley, R Warwicks A P Mayo, Northampton R W E Worsley, Lincoln R H W E Finch, RE P T Cutts, Buffs H W Horne, RE J H White, HAC L Murray, R Fus G L Dolamore, Dragoon G E C Dolomore, RFA H O Dolomore, C of L R G Scriven, Herts Yeo G Harris, RFA E L Piper G Scarfsbrook, KRR W C J Cutts, ASC MT R H Oliver, HAC
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