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Reference WMO/97802


Church of St Mark

Hinton Wood Avenue


BH23 5AB


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War Memorials Trust case: War Memorials Trust needs to avoid Contributors changing location/description details as we help to protect and conserve this war memorial through our casework. You can still add photographs, update condition and use the tabs below. If you believe any of the information you cannot edit is wrong or information is missing, please make a note of the reference number and include it in your email when you contact us.

Status: On original site
Type: Freestanding
Location: External
Setting: Roadside
Description: Obelisk
  • Stone Portland stone
Lettering: Inscribed on a plaque
  • First World War (1914-1918)
  • Second World War (1939-1945)
About the memorial: Plinth surmounted by a pillar with gabled pediment.. A carved wreath is above the Ww1 inscription and the names are listed in 2 columns. Names under Names tab
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Grants to support the repair and conservation of war memorials are available from the charity War Memorials Trust if it has raised funds. Support is focused on war memorials in Very bad or Poor condition or where there is a serious Concern.

Before applying for a grant you should read the advice available on War Memorials Trust`s website. The What we can and cannot fund helpsheet explains what types of work the charity can fund.

If you believe your project is eligible for a grant you should complete the Pre-application enquiry form. You will need to be registered and logged in to complete this.

The Pre-application enquiry form is a series of questions to see if your project is eligible. If it is, you will need to provide further details and submit current colour photographs of the war memorial in either a png, gif, jpg or jpeg format.

You can save your Pre-application enquiry form as you go along. Once submitted War Memorials Trust will respond.

Please be aware that a summary of your enquiry, without your contact details, will appear on this page once submitted. This ensures others are aware that an enquiry has been made and can read the response to avoid duplicate enquiries. Information provided by you to us will be used for the purpose of managing the grant enquiry, for further details please read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy .

As a charity, War Memorials Trust relies on voluntary donations and every contribution, no matter how large or small, makes a really big difference to our work. Your donation will help protect and conserve war memorials for future generations so please support War Memorials Trust’s work.

The Glorious Dead 1914-1918 (Names) Their Name liveth for evermore. 1939-1945 (Names)

WW1 COLUMN 1 - Edward Adams 1 Hants; Percy Adams Cpl 1 Hants; Louis Barbet 153 mne Infie; Charles Bickerstaff 1Middx; Napier Cameron Capt QO Cameron Hdlers; Albert Clifffe 3 Hants; Charles Croucher 10 Rifle Bde; Frederick Dean LCpl 11 Rifle Bde; James Dowding 14 Hants; Edward Durham Lt 2 Rifle Bde; Alfred Durrant RFA; Percy Frampton RWKents; Alfred Freeman 2 Mancheaters; Frank Freeman 2/1 Ox & Bucks; Walter Freeman RMLI; Christopher Grace 2 Wilts; Reginald Grace MGC. WW1 COLUMN 2 - Edward Gregory 8 East York; Wilfred Head 7 Leicester; Frederick Hendy 2 Middx; Percy Hendy Cpl 2 Middx; Jasper Hiscock 1 Hants; Stuart Hooper Lt Col DAAG; William Howe 1 Hants; Frederick King LCpl 2R Ir R; Harry King 101st Labo; George Meadus 2/7 Hants; Lionel Peckham 43rd Can 1; Albert Pinder Lt Col 3 Leicester; George Smith Sgt 9 Hants; Herbert Stephens Dmr 1/7 Hants; Harold Way Middx; Jasper Whitcher 1 Hants; Arthur Young Sgt 1/4 Hants; F Tizzard Pte 5 K D Guar. WW2 COLUMN 1 - R T Adams Pte RASC; L J Bone WO REME; W Brenton LS RN; WS Callow CPO RN; P S Dally FO RAF; J H Fish W/Cdr RAF; P J Garrett Capt Hants HG; C R Gould Lt D Gds; W Greenhalgh Sgt REME; T H Jones Sgt RAF; E G Lee-Browne FO RAF; I R Saunders Capt Queens Bays . WW2 COLUMN 2 - J Mccartney F/Lt RAF; J G MacIntyre S/Ldr RAF; M R MacIntyre Spr RE; O C Macfarlane Sister Osea Nurs Svc; R C Mitchell Sgt/Pilot RAF; C J W Muir PO RAF; J Palmer Lt RAF; G Pine-Coffin F/Sgt RAF; R Ruston PO RAF; S Stride LCpl Devon Regt; S C Thomas LCpl RE; R A Elliott LCpl S'pore DF. WW2 BOTTOM - G W Carter Sgt RAF

Grade II (England)


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