Report a duplicate
Please use the form below to let us know about any records on War Memorials Online which are duplicates.
Sometimes people will add a duplicate entry for a war memorial already recorded on the website. If you find one, or accidentally created one, then please let us know and we will merge the information to ensure a single record for each individual war memorial appears on the website.
How to report a duplicate
In the title field below please provide the name of the war memorial which has been duplicated.
In the Comments field please provide the reference numbers of the two, or in some cases more than two, records that are on War Memorials Online for the same war memorial. You can explain why you might have created a duplicate, for example the original record was in the wrong location, and we can improve the accuracy of the data when we merge the records to minimise the risk of it happening again.
What happens after I report a duplicate?
Once you submit the information War Memorials Trust will receive a notification on the back-end dataset. Once a month we review the duplicates reported. On our system we can see details of the two records alongside each other and are able to merge the details and transfer any photographs etc. to the final record.
Please note we will always retain the original reference number, even if the later additions have more information, as it is the first entry and will have been used as a reference number for longer.
Currently we cannot add details of removed reference numbers to help with searching but this may be something we can consider in future development, funding permitting.