About the project

War Memorials Online seeks to create, with your help, the UK’s most comprehensive understanding of the condition of war memorials. It will help us plan for the future conservation of war memorials to ensure they are fit to commemorate those recorded upon them. War Memorials Online is run by War Memorials Trust with the support of Historic England.

War Memorials Online needs your help to ensure there are records for all of the estimated 100,000 UK war memorials. Thanks to your overwhelming support we currently have over 80,000 records. You can browse the current records and upload your own content including photos and condition reports to help create a complete picture of all war memorials across the country. If you cannot find a record for your local memorial then we would be most grateful if you could add the details.

Information on war memorials submitted to War Memorials Online is accessible to the public and will be made available to the IWM’s War Memorials Archive, Historic Environment Records and other heritage bodies to support the protection and conservation of the nation’s war memorial heritage.

War Memorials Online seeks to identify those war memorials which need assistance with repair and conservation as well as celebrating those in Good condition. It is important we recognise the wonderful work being done across the country by those who cherish our war memorial heritage and preserve it for future generations. Please continue to add Good, Fair, Poor and Very bad condition reports.

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